Ecology Second Quiz (Chapter 6, Lesson 21)


organisms that capture energy from a primary source, usually the sun, and covert it to chemical energy in their bodies


organisms that obtain their energy by other organisms

primary consumer

consumers that eat producers

secondary consumer

consumers that eat primary consumers


organisms that obtain energy from organic wastes such as fallen leaves or dead organisms

food chain

the path of food and energy from producer to composer to decomposition

food web

food chains that are interconnected through multiple feeding relationships

trophic level

each feeding level in an ecosystem


eat only or mostly plants or plant products


eat only or mostly other consumers


eat both plants and animals

energy pyramid

model that shows the available energy at each trophic level in an ecosystem


amount of living matter in an ecosystem


energy is not recycled and must be continuously supplied by the

life processes

producers store energy in the bonds of glucose and other simple food molecules and use it to carry out their


most producers are what type of organism

radiant energy into chemical energy

what do producers take from the sun and turn it into

chemical and physical

organisms need energy to maintain what organizations of their bodies

energy and materials

what is transferred when an organism is eaten by another organism

plants, algae, and bacteria

3 types of producers

break down complex molecules into simpler ones

what do decomposers do in order to get the energy they need

carbon and nitrogen

composers help to cycle elements in the biosphere like


main decomposers of plant matter


main decomposers of animal matter


what do all decomposers secrete

break down food outside their bodies and absorb the nutrients

why do decomposers secrete enzymes


an ecosystem can survive without

producers and decomposers

no ecosystem can survive without


as it flows through an ecosystem, energy changes what


some energy is transformed and released into the environment as what type of energy


consumers use energy for cellular processes and transform some into what type of energy


the least biomass is usually what trophic level


make up most of the biomass in any ecosystem

bones and teeth

energy may not be passed on if it is stored in


what percent of energy at any trophic level is passed on to the next level

number of organisms

the small percentage of energy passed from one trophic level to the next limits what at each level