Energy changes and chemical reactions

energy released in a chemical reaction comes from _________ that is contained in chemical _____

chemical energy, bonds

breaking a chemical bond __________ energy from the surroundings


forming a chemical bond _________energy to the surroundings


the energy in chemical bonds and the energy absorbed or released is always _______


some chemical reactions absorb more energy than they ________


_____ reactions are chemical reaction that absorb thermal energy


in these reactions _______ energy is required to break the bonds of the ______ than is released when products form

more, reactants

most chemical reactions release more energy than they ________


______ reactions are chemical reactions that release thermal energy


in these reactions ______ energy is required to break the bonds of the ________ than is released when products form

less, reactants

some chemical reactions do not _______ by themselves


all reactions require ______ to start the breaking of ______

energy, bonds

_________ is the minimum amount of energy that is needed to start a chemical reaction

activation energy

the activation energy of some reaction is so _____ that enough energy to start the reaction comes from the ________

low, surroundings

the activation of some reactions is so ________ that more energy is needed to start the reaction


the rate of a reaction is the _____ at which it occurs


chemical reactions occur ______ if the particles _______ more often or if the particles move _________ when they collide

faster, collide, faster

_________ area can affect the rate of a reaction

surface area

surface area is the amount of ______ outer area of a solid


_______ surface area increases the rate of reaction because more _______ on the surface of a solid come in contact with the _____ of another substance

increase, particles,particles

_______ can affect the rate of reaction because at higher _______ particles move faster

temperature, temperature

at higher temperatures particles _______ more often


they also collide with more _____


an increase in _______also increases reaction rate because there are more particles to ______ with each other

concentration, collide

for gases increased _______ pushes particles closer together and more _______ occur

pressure, collisions

a _____ increase reaction rate by lowering the ________ energy of a reaction

catalyst, activations

a catalyst is not itself permanently ______ during a chemical reaction


catalysts also no not change the ________ or the products of the reaction


an ________ is a catalysts that speeds up chemical reactions in living cells


substances called ______slow down or stop a chemical reaction


minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction

activation energy

substance that increases the reaction state by lowering the activation energy of a reaction


chemical reactions that absorb thermal energy


catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living cells


chemical reactions that release thermal energy


substance that slows down or even stops a chemical reaction
