Ch 5 - Energy & Life

Objects that are not actively moving but have the capacity to do so are said to possess?

Potential Energy

The process of lowering the activation energy of a reaction is?


Reactions that tend to occur spontaneously, releasing energy, are called...?


ATP is composed of a sugar, the organic base adenine, and.....?

Three phosphate groups.

The site on the enzyme where the reactant fits is referred to as the...?

Active site

Chemical reactions that take up energy are called _________ reactions.


Most human enzymes work best within the range of?

A pH of 6-8

When an endergonic reaction is driven by the splitting of ATP molecules, such that both of these reactions occur simultaneously, the two-part reaction is called a _______ reaction.



Ability to do work.

Kinetic Energy

The energy of motion.

Potential Energy

stored energy that can be used for motion.

All work carried out by living organisms involves....

The transformation of potential energy to kinetic energy.

The study of energy or heat changes?


Energy -----> _______


Energy from sun --> Captured by organisms --> _____________________. Molecules contain ___________________. Potential energy in molecules --> ______________________. Chemical reactions _______________________.

1) used to make molecules. 2) potential energy. 3) form chemical energy. 4) make and break bonds between atoms.

1st Law of Thermodynamics

1) Energy changes from one state to another but it can never be created nor destroyed.
2) Total amount of energy in the universe remains constant.

2nd Law of Thermodynamics

the amount of disorder, or entropy, in the universe is increasing.

Disorder happens randomly. Organization requires energy. (Messing room --> Clean room)

Example of Entropy

Reactants or Substrates...

the starting molecules of a chemical reaction


the molecules at the end of the reaction

Two kinds of chemical reactions:

Endergonic and Exergonic

Endergonic Reactions

have products with more energy than the reactants.

Exergonic Reactions

have products with less energy than the reactants.

All chemical reactions require an initial input of energy called ___________________.

activation energy

Activation Energy

initiates a chemical reaction by destabilizing existing chemical bonds.

Reactions become more likely to happen if their activation energy is lowered. This process is called?
