Ch 11&12 Final Exam

If a risky security is correctly priced, its expected risk premium will be


Which one of the following is the vertical intercept of the security market line?
Market rate of return
Individual security rate of return
Market risk premium
Risk-free rate

Risk free rate

For a risky security to have a positive expected return but less risk than the overall market, the security must have a beta:

greater than 0, less than 1

Which one of the following best exemplifies unsystematic risk?

Unexpected increase in the variable costs for a firm

The weighted average cost of capital is defined as the weighted average of a firm's:

cost of equity, cost of preferred, and its aftertax cost of debt

Farmer's Supply is considering opening a clothing store, which would be a new line of business for the firm. Management has decided to use the cost of capital of a similar clothing store as the discount rate to evaluate this proposed expansion. Which one

Pure play approach

The cost of preferred stock is unaffected by the

issues tax rate

Which one of the following represents the minimum rate of return a firm must earn on its assets if it is to maintain the current value of its securities?

weighted average cost of capital

An increase in a levered firm's tax rate will:

decrease the firm's cost of capital.

portfolio standard deviation is _____ a weighted average of the standard deviation of the component securities risk

NOT. Means there would be no benefit to diversification

Systematic risk


Unsystematic Risk


Principle of diversification


Systematic Risk principle


the higher the beta=

the greater the risk premium

security market link (sml) is a representation of

market equilbrium

capital asset pricing model (capm) defines the relationship between

risk and returns on stock

std dev measures:
systematic risk measures:

std dev measures: total risk
systematic risk measures: beta

cost of debt is NOT the

coupon rate

pure play approach


subjective approach

-consider the projects risk relative to the firm overall:
- if the project is riskier than the firm, use a discount rate greater than the WACC
- if the project is less risky than the firm use discount rate less than the WACC

advs and disadv of dividend growth model

A: easy to understand and use
D: only for companies paying dividends, only is growing at a constant rate, sensitive to est growth rate, doesnt consider risk

advs and disadv of sml

A: adjusts for systematic risk, use for all companies if beta is avaliable
D: must estimate the expected market risk premium, must estimate beta, relies on the past to predict future