Risk & return


Measure if the uncertainty surrounding the return that an investment wl earn or, more formally, the varibility of returns associated w/a guven asset


Total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time

Total rate of return=

(Ct + (Pt - Pt2))/Pt2

Risk averse

Attitude toward risk in which a higher return must be exchanged for high risk. Avoiding risk. Investors & financial managers

Risk neutral

Investors choose the investment w/the higher return regardless of its risk

Risk seeking

Investors prefer investments w/greater risk even if they have lower expected returns

2 ways of assessing risk

1. Scenario analysis
2. Probability distribution

Scenario analysis

Approach for assessing risk that uses several possible alternative outcomes to obtain a sense of the variability among returns

Scenario analysis

Pessimistic (worst), most likely (expected), & optimistic (best scenarios. Range= best- worst

Probability distribution

Model that relates probabilities to the associated outcomes. Chance that a given outcome will occur

2 types of probability distribution

1. Bar chart
2. Continuous probability distribution

Bar chart

Shows a limited # if outcomes & associated probabilities for a given event

Continuous prob. Distribution

Shows all possible outcomes & associated probabilities for a given event

Standard deviation

Most common statistical indicator of an asset's risk; measures the dispersion around the expected value

Expected value of a return

Average return that an investment is expected to produce over time

Investments with higher returns have...

...higher standard deviations

Relationship between risk & return

Positive relationship

Risk of a single investment

Would not be viewed independently of other assets

Return on a portfolio

Weighted average of the returns in the individual assets from which it is formed

Financial manager's goal

To create an efficient portfolio that provides maximum return for a given level of risk

Efficient portfolios

Concept of correlation is essential. It's best to diversify by combining or adding assets that have the lowest possible correlation to the portfolio. This reduces risk


Statistical measure of the relationship between any 2 series of numbers

Positively correlated series

Move in the same direction

Negatively correlated series

Move in opposite directions

Combining uncorrelated assets can...

...reduce risk but not as effectively as combining negatively correlated assets

Total risk

Combination of a security's nondiversifiable risk & diversifiable risk

Diviersifiable risk

Unsystematic. Portion of an asset's risk that's attributable to firm-specific, random causes; can be eliminated through diversification

Nondiversifiable risk

Systematic. RELEVANT portion of an asset's risk attributable to mkt factors that affect all firms; can't be eliminated through diversification

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

Basic theory that links risk & return for all assets. Quantifies the relationship between risk & return


Measures how much additional return an investor should expect from taking a littler extra risk

Bets coefficient

Measures nondiversifiable risk

Beta coefficient (b)

Relative measure of nondiversifiable risk. An index of the degree of movement of an asset's return in response to a change in the mkt return

Market return

Return on the mkt portfolio of all traded securities

Characteristic line

The relation between the asset return & the market return

Risk free rate of return (RF)

Required return on a risk free asset. Typically a 3 month US T-bill

Market risk premium

Premium the investor must receive for taking the avg amount of risk associated w/holding the market portfolio of assets

The higher the beta...

...the higher the required return

The lower the beta...

...the lower the required return

An efficient portfolio

Combination of assets with the aim of maximizing the return for a given level of risk


Combining 2 negatively correlated assets to reduce risk of portfolio

A beer coefficient of 1 represents

Is unaffected by the market movement