Ch. 11: Risk & Return- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

Ch. 11 Objectives for test


Types of Diversification

1.) Diversifiable Risk
2.) Non-Diversifiable Risk

Diversifiable Risk

a firm specific risk. (unsystematic)
affects a specific product or firm.

Non-Diversifiable Risk

a market risk. (systematic)
Affects ALL firms in a market.

What kind of risk can you reduce/diversify?
(Similar test question)

only a Diversifiable Risk

What kind of risk can you NOT reduce/diversify?
(Similar test question)

Non-Diversifiable Risk

Portfolio Expected Return

expressed as a percent
-use formula from sheet


ranges from -1 to +1
-use formula from sheet


usually given....
if not, use the correlation formula to solve for it.
(just multiply correlation by the denomonator)

Portfolio Variance

use formula provided on sheet

Opportunity Set

AKA: Feasible Set
-Indicates ALL Possible combinations of Assets.
-Steepest Line is the best!

Minimum Variance Formulas

given on sheet for A

Minimum Variance in Weight B

1- Min Var(A)

Efficient Frontier

INdicates the highest possible rate of return ( line).
-Area above the Minimum Variance point.

CAPM (definition)

capital asset pricing model. Represents the expected return on stock " i ".

Security Market Line

a graphical representation of the Security Market Line

Intercept of SML


Slope of SML

[ E (Rm) - Rf ]

X-Axis on SML
