13/ch 4

sharpe ratio


reward to risk, total

the sharpe ratio is a ___ that focuses on __ risk

risk free return

Rp-Rf (Sharpe ratio) stands for

sharpe ratio

this measures investment performance as the ratio of portfolio risk premium over portfolio return standard deviation

treynor ratio

this measures investment performance as the ratio of portfolio risk premium over portfolio beta

treynor ratio


systemic, total

the difference between the treynor ratio and the sharpe ratio is that the treynor ratio looks at ___ risk, not __ risk

Jensen's alpha

this measures investment performance as the raw portfolio return less the return predicted by the capital asset pricing model


this graphs the relationship between the return of an investment and the return of the market or benchmark

predicted, market

beta gives us the __ movement in return of the stock for a given movement in the ___

tracking error

measures the volatility of the funds returns relative to tis benchmark

r squared

a portfolios or securitys squared correlation to the market or benchmark

-1 to 1, 0 to 100%

correlation ranges from __ but r square ranges from __

betas can vary depending on where the info comes from

the alpha Jensen and the treynor require the beta and this can be problematic because