Exam 1 Quick Review PSY368

elements of leadership definition

common goal

manager role

hiring and training, managing supervisors, performance evals, budgeting, scheduling

who does conceptual skills? 3 skills approach

manager, director, executive

theories of leadership (list)

trait, behavior, contingency, adaptive, servant, social identity, authentic

management (simonet and tett)

immediately operational implementation (short term)

findings Buckingham's "Good to Great

great managers! (relationship with superior predictor of productivity)

meaning of Conger's "Dark Side of Leadership

projecting personal needs onto constituents

debilitative management practices

poor management of people networks
alienating behavior
autocratic and controlling style
impulsive style
lack of attention to detail
poor administrative skills
absence from operations
attention to superficial
managing upwards and sideways
failure to develo

results section of a research article

stats, hypothesis supported or not?

characteristics of lab experiment

IV/DV; randomization

disadvantages of observational study

can't control people; Hawthorn effect; low internal validity; no causal statements; time and $

advantages of archival study

less $; data collected naturally

disadvantages of archival

don't know if data's good (could be made up)

disadvantages of meta-analysis

no control over data (may not be accurate, relevant)

types of organizational commitment


define workplace deviant behavior

going above and beyond in doing bad things in order to harm the organization

Aspects of leadership

change and movement:
establishing direction, aligning people, motivating and inspiring

Aspects of management

order and consistency:
planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, controlling and problem solving

Collins' two dimensions of a leader

personal humility
professional will