BA350 Final Ch.14

________ is defined as a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about.
A) Problem solving
B) Assessment
C) Conflict
D) Negotiation
E) Collective bargaining

C) Conflict
Conflict is defined as a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about.

According to the interactionist view, ________ conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance.
A) formal
B) informal
C) functional
D) evaluative
E) reactive

C) functional
The interactionist view does not propose that all conflicts are good. Rather, functional conflict supports the goals of the group and improves its performance and is, thus, a constructive form of conflict. A conflict that hinders group perfo

With reference to the interactionist view of conflict, conflict that relates to the content and goals of work is called ________ conflict.
A) job
B) task
C) relationship
D) process
E) communication

B) task
Task conflict relates to the content and goals of the work. Low to moderate levels of task conflict stimulate discussion of ideas. Task conflict is related to positive outcomes only when all members share the same goals and have high levels of tru

Conflicts related to how the work gets done are called ________ conflicts.
A) communication
B) task
C) job
D) relationship
E) process

E) process
Process conflict relates to how the work gets done.

Which of the following statements is true regarding task conflicts?
A) Task conflicts relate to how the work gets done.
B) Task conflicts are almost always dysfunctional.
C) Task conflict focuses on interpersonal relationships.
D) Task conflict won't bene

D) Task conflict won't benefit groups performing routine tasks.
Task conflict relates to the content and goals of the work. Low to moderate levels of task conflict stimulate discussion of ideas. Task conflicts relate positively to creativity and innovatio

For process conflict to be productive, it must be ________.
A) kept high
B) kept low
C) kept at moderate-to-high levels
D) kept at moderate levels
E) subject to managerial control

B) kept low
Low levels of process conflict and low to moderate levels of task conflict can be functional, but only in very specific cases. For process conflict to be productive, it must be kept low.

When your work group disagrees, the disagreements usually concern how the group's work should be accomplished. The type of conflict experienced by your group is known as a ________ conflict.
A) task
B) relationship
C) process
D) traditional
E) reactive

C) process
Process conflict relates to how the work gets done.

Which of the following statements is true regarding conflict?
A) The smaller the group, the greater the likelihood of conflict.
B) The less specialized the activities of the group, the greater the likelihood of conflict.
C) People low in the personality t

D) Diversity of goals among groups is a major source of conflict.
Diversity of goals among groups is a major source of conflict. People high in the personality traits of disagreeableness, neuroticism, or self-monitoring are more likely to engage in a conf

For process conflict to be productive, it must be kept at moderate-to-high levels.

Process conflict relates to how the work gets done. For process conflict to be productive, it must be kept low.

Relationship conflicts are almost always dysfunctional.

Studies demonstrate that relationship conflicts are almost always dysfunctional. It appears that the friction and interpersonal hostilities inherent in relationship conflicts increase personality clashes and decrease mutual understanding, which hinde

Task conflicts can provide positive outcomes only when all members share the same goals and have high levels of trust.

Task conflict relates to the content and goals of the work. Low to moderate levels of task conflict stimulate discussion of ideas. Task conflicts can provide positive outcomes only when all members share the same goals and have high levels of trust.

The potential for conflict increases when too much communication takes place.

The potential for conflict increases when either too little or too much communication takes place. Apparently, an increase in communication is functional up to a point, after which it is possible to overcommunicate, with a resultant increase in the p

Conflict between two people is called? ________ conflict.

D) dyadic

The? framework, or? locus, of conflict where the conflict occurs between groups or teams is considered? ________________________ conflict.

A) intergroup

What do we call the framework within which conflict? occurs?
A.Loci of conflict
B.Task conflict
C.Intragroup conflict
D.Dyadic conflict
E.Process conflict

A) Loci of conflict