CEN Review (Neuro)

occipital lobe

visual processing

parietal lobe

receives sensory input for touch and body position

temportal lobe

sense of hearing, smell, memory, thought, and judgment

frontal lobe

associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving

IV phenytoin

Mix with normal saline; can cause hypotension and bradycardia

Symptoms of temporal arteritis

Weight loss, night sweats, aching joints, and fever are classic systemic symptoms

Epidural hematoma presentation

Transient loss of consciousness from injury,
then lucid period
, then increasing drowsiness, HA, and unilateral contralateral weakness

Steroids for Spinal Cord Injury

Start within 8 hours of injury
30mg/kg over 15 min; wait 45 min, then 5.4mg/kg/hr over next 23 hours