430 Group interventions

Behavior therapy

problematic behaviors occur hwen there has been inadeqaute learning and can be corrected through appropriate learning experiences


learnign new behaviors by imitating others

token economy

reinforcers for desired behaviors


aversive stimulus or punishment which the client is removed from the environment where the behavior took place

systemic desensitization

hierarchy of overcoming phobias

cognitive therapy

how people think influences their feelings and behaviors
- short term, highly structured, goal oriented
- teach the client to recognize their cognitive errors and the relationship between his/her illness and the distorted thinking patterns

Art therapy

defined as which clients, facilated by art therapist, use art media to explore and foster their feelings
- can help trauma, grief, loss, depression, panic, anxiety

Play therapy

used with children to express experiences and feelings through a natural self guided, sel healing process

Assertive behavior

helps individual feel better about themselves by encouraging them to stand up for their own basic right


seek to pleasure others at the expense of denying their own basic human right


stand up for their rights while protecting the rights of others


defend their rights by violating the rights of others


defend their own rights by expressing resistance and general obstructiveness in response to the expectation of others

Milieu therapy

manipulation of the environment so that all aspects of the clients hospital experience is therapeutic
- learn adaptive coping, interaction and relationship skills


sudden event in ones life that disturbs homeostasis, during which usual coping mechanisms cannot resolve the problem

Crisis intervention

1. exposed to a stresor
2. problem solving techniques to dont relive stressors
3. other resources are used to resolve the problem
4. if no resolution anxiety may reach panic disorder

dispositional crises

acute response to an external stressor
ex) domestic violence

crises of anticipate life transitions

normal life cycle transitions that may be anticipated but individual may feel lack of control
ex) financial restraints

crises resulting from traumatic stress

unexpected stressor
ex) rape

maturational/developmental crises

triggered by preexisting psychopathology

psychiatric emergencies transitions

suicidal/drug overdose/ psychoses

Role of the Nurse in Crisis Intervention

1. Assess: gather info about stressor and crisis
2. planning: plans the interventions
3. interventions focus on pts immediate problems
4. evaluation: has stress decreased?

Recovery model

1. health
2. home
3. purpose
4. community