Professional Selling Test 2- Larson


Situation- basic background info


Problem- about difficulties or dissatisfaction


Implication- effects or consequences of problems


Need Payoff- value and usefulness of solution


feature, advantage, benefit
-product is designed better than other & easier to hold


feature, evidence, benefit, agreement
-pen is specially designed "hold this, isn't it great

3 legged stool

resonate, substantiate (provide evidence), differentiate


Buyers have to want and need what you're selling


Buyers have to see why you stand out from the other available options.


Buyers have to believe that you can deliver on your promises

3 characteristics of a challenger sale

tailor, teach, take control

challenger vs spin

-tells prospect what they believe their problems are instead of asking

challenger vs spin

-tells prospect what they believe their needs are instead of asking

challenger vs spin

describes what could happen if the buyer doesn't act instead of asking

challenger vs spin

tailors discussion, must resonate

challenger vs spin

provides rational drowning, must substantiate

time objection

I don't have time to talk or meet rn/ not interested

product objection

I don't like __ about this product

source objection

we dont like manufacturer/ happy with what we have

price objection

too expensive, not in the budget rn

need objection

I don't think I need this" never done it that way

direct/indirect objection handling

telling someone they're wrong

compensation objection handling

benefits outweigh negatives

referral objection handling

feel, felt, found- speaking about another company

revisit objection handling

boomerang- turn around objections by using the objection to prove they're wrong

acknowledge objection handling

buyer voices opinion or concerns more to vent frustration rather than anything else
-let buyer talk, acknowledge, pause, continue convo

postpone objection handling

buyer raises objection you'd rather answer later after discovering their needs
-ask permission to postpone your answer

curiosity objection handling

I'm not interested" ask why without being pushy

pre-empting objection handling

tell them possible objection before they object so it cannot be brought up

test close

what do you think so far

balance sheet close

pros/cons "pros outweigh cons

assumptive close

assume they're buying "do you want this in red or blue

conditional close

if I can get this for you with 5% discount..

benefit summary close

summarize all good things

direct close

do you want to buy

compliment close

you're gonna look great in this car

amiable social style

-clean and friendly
slow at taking action, builds relationships, seeks security

driver social style

-professional and clean for guests
decisive actions/decisions, likes control, good administration skills

analytic social style

-professional, unorganized
cautious actions/decisions, likes structure, good problem-solving

expressive social style

-fun, energetic, fast-paced
-spontaneous actions/decisions, likes involvement, good persuasive skills


-first people to adopt new tech
-want it for free
-gate keepers

early adopters

-risk takers, want brand new things

majority early

-waiting for price drop, easy & reliable product

majority late

don't want to be left behind, conservative


hate change- not worth selling to

dan pink chapter 6

clairity- capacity to help others see situations in fresh and more revealing ways to identify problems they didn't know they had

dan pink chapter 7

Pitch- offer something so compelling that it begins a conversation
-one word pitch- "search" google, "priceless" mastercard
-question pitch- "are you better off now than you were 4 years ago"
-rhyming pitch- minds make sense of stimuli
-pixar pitch- once