Supervision in the Hospitality Industry: Chapter 11


a conflict management style usually practiced by supervisors with a low level of assertiveness and a high level of cooperation. This style typically leads to win-lose outcomes


a conflict management style usually practiced by supervisors with low levels of assertiveness and cooperation. This style typically leads to lose-lose outcomes


a conflict management style usually practiced by supervisors with a high level of assertiveness and a low level of cooperation. this style typically leads to win-lose outcomes


a conflict management style usually practiced by supervisors with moderate levels of both assertiveness and cooperation. this style can lead to win-win, win-lose, or lose-lose outcomes, depending on how the parties in conflict view the compromise

decision latitude

the flexibility you have in determining a course of action when attempting to resolve difficult issues and situations. low decision latitude means you are narrowly bound to a limited number of potential solutions. high decision latitude means you are empo

lose-lose outcome

an outcome of conflict in which no one involved satisfies all or even most of his or her needs; with a lose-lose outcome, the basic reasons for the conflict remain and conflict may recur

mutual problem-solving

a conflict management style usually practiced by supervisors with high levels of both assertiveness and cooperation; this style typically leads to win-win outcomes; supervisors with this style resolve conflict by accepting the needs of others and negotiat


a probing, intensive discussion in which both parties determine what is really important to the other and agree to solutions that protect each other's needs

win-lose outcome

an outcome of conflict in which one party's needs are satisfied while those of the other party are not; this outcome typically fails to address all of the problems that created the conflict, so future conflict may arise over the same or similar problems

win-win outcome

an outcome of conflict in which the needs of all parties are satisfied and the conflict is resolved; to reach a win-win outcome, those in conflict must acknowledge each other's needs and work together to resolve the situation so that everyone benefits