Ch 6 Methods

Access level

The part of a method declaration that determines if the method can be called by other classes.

Access modifier

A keyword in the declaration of a method that determines the access level of a method.


The value or variable passed to a method.


A statement that contains a method name followed by parentheses.

Boundary value

A value that lies just inside or just outside the range of valid values.

Class method

A method that can be called from the class itself.


Variables, constants, and objects that are declared within a method and therefore have a scope limited to that method.

Method body

The statements that implement a method.

Method declaration

The first line of a method, which contains the method name, access level, return type, and parameters, if any.

Method overloading

Writing more than one method of the same name in a class.

Method parameters

The part of a method declaration that accepts values from the method call.


Giving data to a method by enclosing the data in parentheses in the method call.

Pass by value

Passing the value of an argument to a method. The type of data passed depends on whether the argument is a primitive or an object.


The part of a method's documentation that states the assumptions, or initial requirements, of the method. Also called pre.

Procedural abstraction

Breaking a task down into methods.


The part of a method's documentation that states what must be true after the method has been executed. Also called post.

Top-down development

A problem-solving approach where a task is broken down into subtasks and then the subtasks are reduced to yet simpler tasks.


The access level of a method.


Used to enclose documentation comments for a method.


An access modifier used in the declaration of a method to indicate that the method is visible to any other class.


A keyword used in the declaration of a method to indicate that the method is a class method.


A keyword used in the declaration of a method to indicate that the method will not return a value.


Statement used to send a value from a method back to the calling statement.