expressing opinions

expressing opinions

the act of disclosing what you think or feel about healthcare situations affecting your clients or colleagues

giving advice

unilateral process of solving problems or making decisions for others


expressing opinions or offering recommendations is an _____________ behavior

additional information; problem-solving and decision making processes

in a professional healthcare setting, you opinions are offered as __________________ for clients and colleagues ___________________. giving clients the fuller picture to help them make choices. giving them the benefit of your point of view

client from becoming independent

giving advice prevents _____________________

idea that you might think they are incapable of self-direction

giving advice gives colleagues the __________________

whether to provide or withhold information, whether to comply with a treatment plan or resist it, which strategies to implement to achieve a desired outcome

people may seek your nursing counsel when they need to make a decision about

clients may wonder what they should disclose about their condition

whether to provide or withhold information

clients may have conflicting doubts and hopes about health problems and may be unsettled about whether to follow a treatment plan or attempt to survive without it

whether to comply with a treatment plan or resist it

clients may not know which treatment plan to follow

which strategies to implement to achieve a desired outcome

Get the consent of your receiver before expressing your opinions
Make allowances for the uniqueness of your client or colleague (not all situations are the same)
Include the rationale for your viewpoint

strategies to Express Opinions in an Assertive Way

Make it clear the final responsibility to choose is up to the patient


how to share positive regard

give specific, positive feedback. complementing someone. Set the stage for others to feel comfortable in sharing their ideas in a friendly, accepting environment. promotes creativity and teamwork

how to not express you opinions

correcting people is sometimes experienced as a put-down comment, which does not build relationships

how to empower yourself by expressing your opinions

assertiveness is a matter of choice and is not necessary or appropriate for every situation. you make decisions about what opinions to share, with whom, when. learning when to take appropriate risks in expressing your opinion to earn the respect of client