B340 Conflict

Intra-personal conflict

Within a person. Role conflict, uncertainty, sense of inadequacy.

Inter-personal conflict

among individuals, Can be effective (relationship) procedural, or substantive (task).

Inter group conflict

Takes place among different groups. Departments; mgmt vs union; competing companies with same customers.

Lack of efficacy is...

...being unsure that one is up to the task.

Functional Conflict:

Respect for opposing views.
Emphasis on individual input and creativity.
Employees express views without attacking other, and listen to others without taking offense

Dysfunctional Conflict:

Avoid confrontation or scheme about it.
Issues seen as right or wrong
Tempers run high, battles erupt and employees cancel each other out.

Positive outcomes of conflict:

Stimulate creativity, more ideas, better stronger solutions.


Getting your way at the expense of another


Win-win for all parties


Each part giving up something of value


Refusing to engage in the conflict


Placing other's interests ahead of one's own


� When to use
? Issue is trivial
? No chance of winning
? Emotions are running high - come back to it later
? Attempts at resolution can be more disruptive than the conflict
� When NOT to use
? The issue needs attention PROMPTLY
? The issue is important t


� When to use
? Dispute more important to other person
? Realize that you are wrong
? Build up credits for future use
? The relationship is important
? You have less power
� When NOT to use
? Issue is important to you
? The other party is wrong or unethic


� When to use
? You are in a power position and your relationship with the other party is NOT important
? Quick resolution is needed
? Unpopular actions must be taken
? Commitment by others to decision not critical
� When NOT to use
? Relationship is impo


� When to use
? Goals on both sides are mutually exclusive
? Equal power between opponents
? Time pressure
? Temporary solution needed for complex problem
? Collaborative style failed
� When NOT to use
? Integrative solution can be found through problem s


� When to use
? Both sets of concerns too important to be compromised
? Insights from different people need to be merged into an overall solution
? Commitment of both sides to final decision is needed
? Time is available for problem-solving
� When NOT to