Midterm 1


Moons are satellites that orbit stars

Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Local Supercluster, Universe

Which of the following correctly lists our "cosmic address" from small to large?

The average distance between galaxies is growing with time

When we say that the universe is expanding, we mean that:

No, because it would be beyond the bounds of our observable universe

could we see a galaxy that is 20 billion light-years away?

We won't know about it until 425 years from now

The star Betelgeuse is about 425 light-years away, if it explodes tonight:

the universe is explaning

the fact that nearly all galaxies are moving away from us, with more distant ones moving faster, helped us to conclude that:

300,000 Km/s

How fast does light travel?

4 billion years

what is the approximate age of our solar system?

the distance light travels in one year

What is light year?

13.6 billion years

what is the approximate age of our Universe


Our solar system is bigger than some galaxies


Astronomers recently discovered a moon that does not orbit a planet


the observable universe is the same size today as it was a few billion years ago


photographs of distant galaxies show them as they were when they were much younger than they are today

determining the season

Stonehenge was useful for:

the planet actually goes backward in its orbit around earth

In the greek geocentric model, the retrograde motion of a planet occurs when:


Astronomy is a new science that developed in the last century

planets in our solar system

the days of the week are named after:


Who first developed the geocentric model?

Elliptical orbits

which one of the following is not a feature of the ptolemaic model:

1,500 years

the Ptolemaic model stood for

that the earth orbits the sun

Parallax can be used to prove

they didn't think the stars could be as far away as they are

Why were the greeks unable to correctly explain retrograde motion?


who first measured the circumference of the earth

40,100 km

what is the modern value for the circumference of the earth?

it made significantly better predictions of planetary positions in our sky

Which of the following was a major advantage of copernicus's sun centered model over the ptolemaic model?

in some parts of its orbit it is much closer to the sun than in other parts.

when we say that a planet has a highly eccentric orbit, we mean that:

earth travels faster in its orbit around the sun in january than in july

Earth is closer to the sun in january than july. therefore:

planets move faster in their orbits as they get closer to the sun

according to kepler's second law:

collecting data that enabled kepler to discover the law of planetary motion

tycho Brahe's contribution to astronomy included:

making observations and conducting experiments that dispelled scientific objections to the sun-centered model

Galileo's contribution to astronomy included:

the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus

What is kepler's first law of motion


planet 2 is much further away from the sun than planet 1, then the period of orbits of planet 2 is much greater than that of planet 1

the sun was put at the center of the solar system

what do we mean by copernican revolution?

you are at latitude 35 degree north

the north celestial pole is 35 degree above your northern horizon. this tell you that

will look the same

beijing and philadelphia have about the same latitude but very different longitudes. therefor tonight's night sky in these two places:

3600 arcsec

how many arcseconds are in a degree?

21,600 arcmin

how many arcminutes are in a full circle

no, because there is lots of dust there, absorbing radiation from stars

can one look at the center of the milky way galaxy?

the path on the celestial sphere that the sun moves in a year

the ecliptic is

an imaginary sphere with the earth at its center on which stars are located.

the celestial sphere is

stars close to the celestial pole

circumpolar stars are

circumpolar stars never rise or set

for an observer at the north pole


zenith is defined as the point directly below an observer

23.5 degrees

what is the angle between the ecliptic plane and the plane of the equator?

radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x-ray radiation, gamma rays

Place the waves in order from the longest wavelength to shortest

winter in the united states

when it is summer in australia, it is

because the sun shrines on the summer hemisphere more directly

why summer is warmer than winter?

because of the distribution of land and water in the north compared to the south

the contrast between seasons is greater in the northern hemisphere. why?

26,000 YEARS

how long is the period of precession of the earth's axis?

polaris will not always be the north star

due to the precession of the earth's axis

combined effect of the gravity of the sun, the moon, and the rotational motion of the earth in its orbit

what causes the precession of the earth's axis?

the moon's phase is full

if there is going to be a total lunar eclipse tonight, then you know that

when the earth lies between the sun and the moon

what causes lunar eclipses?

change in the velocity of an object per unit time

define acceleration

velocity is the same as speed but with a specified direction

what is the difference between speed and velocity?

a car going around a circular track at a steady 100 miles per hour

which one of the following describes an object that is accelerating?

your mass would be the same as on earth, but your weight would be different

suppose you visit another planet:

mass is the amount of matter in an object whereas weight is the force acted on mass

how is mass different from weight?


there's no gravity in space

fire an engine that shoots out gas to the right

if you want to make a rocket turn left, you need to

exactly the same as its angular momentum at aphelion

earth's angular momentum when it is at perihelion (nearest to the sun) in its orbit is

one-quarter as strong

if earth were twice as far from the sun, the force of gravity attracting earth to the sun would be

earth's orbit would not change

according to the law of universial gravitation, what would happen to earth if the sun were somehow replaced by a black hole of the same mass?

be higher than they are now

if the moon were closer to earth, high tides would:

it reflects yellow light

why is a sunflower yellow?

higher energy and shorter wavelength than red light

blue light has higher frequency than red light. thus, blue light has

a form of light

radio waves are

is very tiny but has most of the mass

compared to an atom as a whole, an atomic nucleus

a thermal radiation spectrum

if you heat a rock until it glows, its spectrum will be

chemical composition

the set of spectral lines that we see in a star's spectrum depends on the star's

cooler than our sun

a star whose spectrum peaks in the infrared is

both will hit the surface at the same time

an astronaut on the moon drops a hammer and a feather at the same time. which of them is going to hit the surface first?


a spectral line that appears at a wavelength of 321 nm in the laboratory appears at a wavelength of 328 nm in the spectrum of a distant object. we say that the object's spectrum is

the energy of light emitted by the object depends on temperature

what is the principle spectral property of a blackbody?

thermal radiation

what is another name for blackbody radiation?

hotter objects emit light with higher average energy

what is wien's law?

the relation between the energy and the wavelength of light

what is planck's law?

protons and neutrons

what does the nucleus of an atom consist of?


what particle is light made up of?


visible light is less energetic than microwaves


a galaxy moving towards earth will look bluer


energy can be converted into mass

four times

how much greater is the light-collecting area of a 6-meter telescope than a 3-meter telescope?

one point of light that is the blurred image of both stars

suppose that two stars are separated in the sky by 0.1 arcsecond.if you look at them with a telescope that has an angular resolution of 0.5 arcsecond, what will you see?

A telescope's angular resolution

the diffraction limit is a limit on

above earth's atmosphere

the hubble space telescope obtain higher-resolution images than ground-based telescoped because it is

motion of air in our atmosphere

the twinkling of stars is caused by

much larger

if you want a radio telescope to achieve the same angular resolution as a visible-light telescope, it would need to be

in earth orbit

where should you put a telescope designed for ultraviolet observations?

adaptive optics

which technology can allow a single ground-based telescope to achieve images as sharp as those from the hubble space telescope?


spectroscopy employs a diffraction grating to separate different wavelengths of light for study

chandra observatory

which of these is used to study x-rays?


most professional telescopes used today are refractive telescopes


lenses focus by using the index of reflection of light


which type of planet is closer to the sun?


interferometry uses two or more telescopes to achieve an angular resolution equivalent to that of a muchlarger telescope


which of these resides closer to the sun on average?

jovian planets

which have more moons on average?

hydrogen and helium

98% of the solar nebula was

concentrating denser materials nearer the sun

which of the following did not occur during the collapse of the solar nebula?

hydrogen and helium

what is jupiter's main ingredient?


leftover ice-rich planetesimals are called

jupiter's gravity kept planetesmials from accreting

why didn't a terrestrial planet form at the location of the asteroid belt?

4.5 billion years

about how old is the solar solar system?

the line beyond which hydrogen compounds condense

what is the frost line?

by accretion of metals and rocks

how did the terrestrial planets form?


in our solar system, jovian planets are much smaller than terrestrial planets


laplace and kant proposed the close encounter hypothesis for the formation of the solar system


stars are formed in gaseous nebula such as the orion nebula

in both the kuiper belt and the oort cloud

comets are mainly located


visual and radio light can only be observed from space

to get rid of atmospheric absorptions

why we observe from space?


the sun was formed at the center of the solar nebula, because metals were already there

angular momentum is conserved

the solar nebula spins faster as it shrinks because


chromatic aberration of light does not depend on its wavelength

reflective telescopes do not suffer from chromatic aberration, are much lighter, and can be made much larger than refraction telescopes

what is the main advantage of a reflective telescope to that of a refractive telescope?

being close to a city

what is not a factor for determining an astronomical site?

core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, corona

list the layers of the sun in the correct order starting from the inside

nuclear fusion

the sun is mainly fueled by a process called

the center has a much higher temperature than the surface

how does the temperature of the sun change from the center to the surface?


the amount of energy per second per square meter received on earth from the sun is called solar wind

no, because if it was the main source the sun would only last for about 25 million years

is gravitational contraction the main source of heat production in the sun?


neutrinos are produced in the proton-proton cycle


sunspots are hotter regions on the surface of the sun

the sun's magnetic field

sunspots, solar flares, and solar prominences are all caused by

because hot gas is less dense than cool gas

why does convection occur in the sun?


the visible surface of our sun with temperature of around 6000k is called


sun's differential rotation wraps and distorts the solar magnetic field

pressure is proportional to density times temperature

what is the ideal gas law?

planets found orbiting stars other than our Sun.

The term exoplanet (or extrasolar planet) refers to:

the large planet size.

Which of the following is not a difficulty associated with the detection of exoplanets?

the planet's orbit, the planet's radial speed, the mass of the planet

Using the Doppler method, we can determine:

the transit method

Which detection method relies on the planet eclipsing its star?

the Doppler method

What method is most efficient in finding extrasolar planets?

jovian planets.

The extrasolar planets discovered so far most resemble:

between 100 and 1000

How many extrasolar planets have been detected so far?

the eccentricity of orbit

Which one of the following cannot be measured by the transit method?

astrometric technique

Which method could detect a planet in an orbit that is face-on (the orbit appears as
a circle around the star) to the Earth?

current detection methods are more sensitive to larger planets.

Most known extrasolar planets are more massive than Jupiter because:

have already been discovered.

Earth-sized planets orbiting normal stars:


Planets exert enough gravitational force on the stars they orbit to cause the star to

in molecular clouds

Where are stars born?

we may find extraterrestrial life someday, we can test theories about the formation of the solar system, It helps us to better understand the Earth

Why do we search for exoplanets?


Astrometric method is a technique for searching for exoplanets through their gravity

Only a small fraction of the planets have the proper orientation

Search for Earth-like planets is difficult because:


The Doppler technique is based upon monitoring changes in the brightness of a star
due to the passage of a planet.

Kepler Mission

Which of these is mainly dedicated to search for exoplanets?