Astronomy, Intro to the Solar System

A light year is a unit of


Which of the following is the largest?
a. The Milky Way
b. The orbit of Pluto around the Sun
c. The Moon
d. The Earth
e. The Sun

The Milky Way

How long does it take the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun?

one year

An observer looking towards Polaris is facing


The Sun Moon Planets and stars rise in the ___ and set in the ___


The ecliptic is inclined 23.5 degrees with respect to the celestial equator. This is a result of

the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis

The apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere during a year is called the


Light from the Sun takes approximately _____ to reach the Earth

8 minutes

The direction overhead of an observer defines his/her


In the local group, the two largest galaxies are called

The Milky Way and Andromeda

The ecliptic is

The path of the Sun on the celestial sphere
The projection of Earth's orbit onto the celestial sphere

Lunar eclipses do not occur every month because

The orbit of the Moon is tilted with respect to the ecliptic

When the phase of the Moon is full

The Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth

The various motions of Earth in increasing order of the period (duration) of the motion

Rotation, revolution, precession

The ancient Greek astronomer who first observed precession was


No matter where you are on Earth, the stars appear to rotate about a point called the

celestial pole

We experience season because

The Earth's equator is tilted relative to the plane of the solar system

The Islamic calendar is based on

The orbit of the Moon around the Earth

At my house, days are 12 hours long, and nights are 12 hours long, every day of the year. I live at latitude

0 degrees

We always see the same side of the Moon because

The Moon rotates once every orbit around the Earth

We say a planet is showing retrograde motion when

It appears to move westward relative to the stars

An ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer who correctly deduced the relative Sun-Earth to Earth-Moon distances was


The Gregorian calendar is

A solar calendar

Ptolemy is best known for

His epicyclic model of the solar system

Galileo was

The first person to record sunspots and discovered the moons of Jupiter

The asteroid belt is located

Between Mars and Jupiter

The Kuiper belt is located

farther from the Sun than Neptune

The terrestrial planets in our solar system are

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

Major differences between the terrestrial and Jovian planets

Terrestrial planets orbit closer to the Sun than the Jovian planets
Jovian planets have extensive atmospheres, whereas terrestrial planets do not
Terrestrial planets are higher in average density than Jovian planets
Jovian planets were formed outside the

Compared to the distance between Earth and Venus, the distance between Jupiter and Saturn is

much larger

A fact about Mercury's rotation

Mercury rotates 3 times for every 2 revolutions because of a resonance

Object with a surface most similar to the surface of Mercury

The Moon

The Caloris Basin on Mercury

Is an impact crater

One reason to prefer the Copernican model for the solar system over the Ptolemaic one is

Occam's Razor


In science, a broad idea or picture that has been repeatedly verified so as to give us great confidence that it represents reality

Why is the surface of Venus so hot

A runaway greenhouse effect, which results from Venus' thick atmosphere

Venus' rotation

Is slower than Earth's and retrograde

The Earth is said to be differentiated. This means that

It has layers with the densest material at its core

The planet whose rotational axis is nearly parallel to the ecliptic is


When a spinning figure skater pulls in her arms to spin faster, her angular momentum

Remains the same

Constellations are

apparent patterns the stars make on the celestial sphere

The Earth ____ on its axis once every 24 hours


The Earth _____ around the Sun once every year


The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is an


___ and ___ are a coordinate system for defining points on the Earth

Longitude and Latitude

____ ____ and ______ are coordinates for points on the celestial sphere

right ascension and declination

At the poles, the stars rotate in ____ ____ to the horizon

circles parallel

At the equator, the stars rise in the east and set in the west at ___ degree angles with respect to the horizon


Stars that are always about the horizon - they rotate around the north and south celestial poles

circumpolar stars

Constellations along the ecliptic

The zodiac

The Earth precesses with a period of _________

26,000 years

The Sun's position in the sky at the same time every day over the course of the year is called

the analemma; it depends on latitude

Astronomer who has a successful geocentric model for the motion of the planets


Proposed a heliocentric model for the motion of the planets, which had a simpler explanation for retrograde motion


Comets orbit the Sun in the...

Oort Cloud

Conservation of angular momentum means

the collapsing cloud rotates faster and faster

Venus has a very think atmosphere of


The greenhouse effect has heated the surface of Venus to


The surface of Venus has been mapped by the ______, using radar

Magellan Spacecraft

_____ ______ of elements inside the Earth heat it and cause the lithosphere to be broken into tectonic plates

Radioactive Decay

The atmosphere of the Earth consists mostly of

N2 and O2

A cavity which protects the Earth from Solar Wind


The sky is blue on Earth because ______ _______ by the molecules in the atmosphere

Rayleigh scattering

The sky on the Moon appears black because

There is no atmosphere