Elementary Astronomy

in the northern hemisphere, stars near the _______________ will never be above the horizon

south celestial pole

you can see 1/2 of the sky when you're at

the north or south pole


number of degrees north or south of the equator your position is located


imaginary plane defining what we can
or cannot see in the sky

celestial poles

the extension of the Earth's
rotation axis to the sky

celestial equator

the extension of the Earth's
rotation axis to the sky


point straight overhead

solar day

the amount of time it takes the Sun to
reappear on the local meridian

local meridian

the line connecting the North and South celestial poles through the zenith

because of the Earth's tilt, the solar day is not the same amount of time each day



the apparent motion of the Sun on the sky at the same time over 1 year

to simplify the keeping of time, the mean solar day was defined as exactly

24 hours (clock time)


24 hours

railroads contributed to


sidereal time

amount of time it takes the Earth to rotate exactly 360� on its axis

sidereal time is approximately the time it takes

a star to reappear at the same point on the sky

slowly accumulating over the year, the difference between the solar day and the sidereal day is

about 4 minutes

the line connecting the sun-earth moves on the sky by only 1 degree (2x the size of the moon) every 24 hour period


so over the course of a single day the Sun and stars appear to move essentially as one with the celestial sphere as the Earth rotates, but over the course of several days one can easily see

the change in position of the stars with time of day (SEASONAL CHANGES)

as the earth moves around the sun, the sun appears to drift among the zodiac constellations along the path called the


the projection of the earth's orbit on the sky

the ecliptic

the sun appears to move through a set of constellations known as the


not all constellations are the same size


takes 1 month

to go through each constellation in the zodiac

each day a constellation will rise and set

earlier in the day

how many hours does it take for the Earth to rotate through 360 degrees

slightly less than 244 hours

if the Earths motion around the Sun was reversed how many degrees would the Earth rotate through in a sidereal day?

exactly 360 degrees

If the Earths motion around the Sun was exactly reversed, which day is now longer?

a sidereal day, because the sun will have again reached its highest point in the sky before the Earth has rotated 360 degrees.

the difference between the Earth's axis of rotation and the Earth's orbital motion around the sun

about 23 degrees

the sun's path through the sky varies throughout the year

because of the tilt of the Earth's axis


the tilt of the Earth

which of the following describes one reason that the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have different seasons at the same time?

during a day of the year when the sun is high in the sky in the northern hemisphere it will be ow in the sky in the southern hemisphere, and vice-versa

the moon is the one body in the solar system which actually does

move around the Earth

the MOON is approximately _____ the diameter of the Earth, and orbits at an average distance of ___________.

1/4, 60 Earth radii (384,000 km)

the moons orbital period is

about 27.3 days

the moon's orbit is inclined slightly by about 5 degrees to the

ecliptic (the orbital plane of the Earth around the sun)

the moon always points the same face toward earth because about 27.3 days is the moon's rotational period and

it's orbital period

the far side of the moon cannot be seen from earth

true, because of the moon's synchronous rotations

approximately every 29.5 days the _______ of the Moon repeat


29.5 days; the phases of the moon

synodic period of the moon

when the Moon lies on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, so the sunlight reflected from its surface can be seen from Earth


the Moon shines by

reflected sunlight

the moon rises and sets with the sun

new moon

the moon is high in the sky near sunset

first quarter

the moon is high in the sky at midnight

full moon

the moon is high in the sky near dawn

third (or last) quarter

quarter moon

1/2 the visible side of the moon is illuminated

new moon

the moon appears un-illuminated

full moon

the entire visible side of the moon is illuminated

the length of time between a repeat of a moon phase (new moon to new moon)

synodic period

how much of the moon's total surface is illuminated by the sun at "new" moon


the synodic period of the moon (29.5 days) is the time required for the moon to

return to the same phase once

the synodic period of the moon is longer than the moon's orbital period because

the earth orbits the sun counter-clockwise AND the moon orbits the earth counter-clockwise

you are on the moon when it is new moon on earth. you are on the side of the moon facing toward the earth, if you look at the earth the phase you see:

full earth

if the moon is in last quarter (AKA third quarter) it rises and sets

midnight and noon

the moon's orbit is inclined to the earth's orbit


most times, during a new or full moon the moon is ________________the Earth

above or below

the moon is between the earth and sun, so the Earth is in the moon's shadow

solar eclipse

the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun, so the moon is in the earth's shadow

lunar eclipse

Mercury and Venus are always seen in the sky near the sun, because

they lie closer to the sun than the earth

mercury and venus can never be seen in the part of the sky

opposite the sun

mercury and venus can easily be seen

just before sunrise or after sunset

copernicus developed the

heliocentric solar system model

400 years ago, galileo first saw that the inner planets (mercury and venus) also have phases, somewhat like the moon


outer planets

lie farther from the Sun than the Earth, and can be found anywhere along the ecliptic

the word _____ comes from the greek word for "wanderer


planets appear to drift slowly eastward (over the months) relative to the stars

because the planets are also orbiting the sun and in the same direction ast he earth

the tendency for the planets to drift eastward relative to the stars as observed from earth is called

prograde (or "normal" motion)

the Earth moves faster in its orbit than the outer panets, so the Earth "passes" the outer planets in their orbits, causing the planets to appear to change their direction of motion relative to the stars to "drift westward


drifting westward (slowly move westward relative to the stars) is called

retrograde motion

since the inner planets (mercury and venus) "oscillate" from appearing on one side of the sun to the other, their motion will be

split approximately equally between both prograde and retrograde motion

where would you look to see a planet rise when it is in retrograde motion?

near the eastern horizon, because the rising and setting of objects is due to the rotation of the Earth and not the motions of the objects themselves

a planet will, over the course of one night, appear to

move east to west

a planet is moving in "normal" (prograde) motion. over the course of several nights, how will the planet appear to move relative to the background stars?

west to east

a planet is moving in retrograde motion. over the course of several nights, how will the planet appear to move relative to the background stars?

Since Earth completes its orbit in a shorter period of time than the planets outside its orbit, it periodically overtakes them. When this occurs, the planet we are passing will first appear to stop its eastward drift, and then drift back toward the west -