

Imaginary line running through Earth's center


Earth spinning on it's axis


The movement of an object around another


Earth's path as it revolves around the sun

Summer solstice

June 21st each year and is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere

Winter solstice

December 21st each year and is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere

Autumnal equinox

September 21st and marks the begining of fall


an imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles 0

Northern Hemisphere

the hemisphere north of the equator

Southern Hemisphere

the hemisphere south of the equator

Tropic Of Cancer

a line of latitude about 23.5 degrees North of the equator

Tropic of Capicorn

a line of latitude about 23.5 degrees South of the equator

Arctic Circle

a line of latitude near but south of the north pole 66.5 degree north

Antarctic Circle

a line of latitude north of the south pole 66.5 south

How long does it take the earth to rotate what does this cause

24 hours causes one day/cause day/night

How long does it take the earth to revovle and what does this cause

365 1/4 days and it causes the seasons.

In JUne, the earth's axis is pointed to what?

towards the sun.

What is an orbit?

Earth's path as it revolves around the sun.

How was the first calendar made?

counting the days between each first appearance of the stars sirius.

How does sunligtht hit the earth?

sunlight at the equator hits the earth's surface directly.
sunlight at the poles hits at an angle.

Does the angle of the earth's axis change during its orbit?


What does the earth's tilted axis cause?

Because the axis tilts as it moves around the sun, it causes seasons.

What is the sunlight like in June?

combination of direct rays and more hours of sunlight heats the earth more.

What season is in the Southern Hemishere in June?

It is winter in the southern hemishere.

Where is the noon sun in June?

The noon sun is directly overhead at 23.5 north latitude.

Where is the axis pointed in December?

Earth's axis is pointed away from the sun.

What is the sunlight like in December?

the combination of indirest rays and fewer hours of sunlight heats the earth less.

Where is the noon sun in the Southern Hemisphere in December?

directly overhead at 23.5 south latitude.

What is the season in the Southern Hemisphere in December?

It is summer.

What happens to the earth in both June and December?

The winter solstice occurs around December21 each year and it is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The summer solsticce occurs around June 21st eaach year and it is the longest year in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is solstice?

longest or shortest day of the year.

What is the earth like in March and September?

Neither hemisphere is pointed toward or away during an equinox.

What is equinox?

equal day and night.

What is the vernal equinox?

otherwise known as the spring equinox, occurs around March 21 and marks the beginning of Spring.

what marks the beginning of spring?

vernal equinox on March 21.

What is the autumnal equinox? occurs around september 21 and marks the beginning of fall.

occurs around september 21 and marks the beginning of fall.

How many hours of daylight does the northern hemisphere receive on March 21st?

12 hours (equal day 12 hours/equal night 12 hours) to make up 24 hours in a day.

When does the summer solstice start in the northern Hemisphere?

June 21st.

How many hours of sunshine does the north pole receive on June 21st ?

24 hours

How many hours of darkness does the south pole receive on June 21st?

24 hours.

The vernal equinox indicates the beginning of what season?


What is true of all places on Earth during the equinoxes?

equal number of hours of day and night.

What is the name of the time of year when the the earth is farthest from the sun?


What position is Earth in January?

faces away from the sun.

what is located at 23.5 north?

tropic of cancer

What season would have the longest day in the northern hemisphere?


What month begins the vernal equinox?


What do we call the latitude where the sun shines directly overhead on June 21st?

23.5 N

What is the start of the winter season?

Winter solstice December 21st

On what date does spring begin?

March 21. Vernal Equinox

What is the date of the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere?

december 21st

On what date does the sun shine directly over the tropic of capricorn?

December 21st.

What 2 seasons have equal daylight and darkness?

spring and fall/ sun is at the equator at noon.

Name the latitude that would receive 24 hours of darkness on June 21st?

66.5 south : antartica Circle.

Name the latitude that would receive 24 hours of daylight on June 21st?

66.5 North: Arctic Circle.

What is located at 0 latitude?


What is located at 0 longitude?

Prime meridian

On what date does winter begin?

December 21st

Name the latitude that would receive 24 hours of darkness on December 21st?

66.5 N latitude : Arctic Circle.

Name the latitude that would receive 24 hours of daylight on December 21st?

66.5 S latitude : Antarctica Circle

What is located at 180 longitude


What is located at 66.5 South

Antartica Circle.

Where does the sun shine directly overhead on September 21st?


During what season is the Northern Hemisphere pointed towar the sun?
