Astronomy Chapter 4


Study of astronomy of ancient people

What is geocentric universe?

Universe with Earth in center

What is heliocentric universe?

Universe with Sun in center

Classical philosophers believed that Earth was

center of universe

Eratosthenes accurately estimated...

diameter of Earth

Classical philosophers believed that Earth did not..


Thales taught that the Universe is

rational and it can be understood by human mind

Pythagoras taught that all natures was underlain by


Pythagoras believed that harmony of celestial movements produces

actual music, "music of spheres

Greek astronomers tried to describe the Universe using

geometrical forms

Philolaus argues that Earth moved in

circular path around "fire" which is hidden behind Earth

Plato argues that

reality humans see is distorted version of perfect, ideal form

What is uniform circular motion?

Motion of heavens described by motions of multiple rotating spheres

Why is Stonehenge thought to be an ancient astronomical observatory?

Because stones are aligned with significant rising and setting position

Plato proposed that all heavenly motion are

circular and uniform

Plato believed in principle of

perfection of the heavens

What is perfection of the heavens?

Heavens represent perfection (circles)

What did Plato propose about all heavenly motion?

motion in circular paths

Plato believed that this _ was perfect geometric form


Plato believed that Universe consists of

perfect spheres

What effect did Plato's proposal have on future astronomers?

His idea of a sphere being the most perfect geometric form influenced astronomical theories for literally hundreds of years.

Scientific method did not exist in

Ancient Greece

Aristotle attempted to understand his world by reasoning logically and carefully from

first principle

What is first principle?

Something that is held to be obviously true and needs no further examination

First Principle: Once principle is recognized as true, whatever can be derived from it must also be


Aristotle believed that the Universe was divided into two parts:

Earth (imperfect and changeable), heavens (perfect and unchanging)

Aristotle believed that Earth was

imperfect and changeable

Aristotle believe that heavens were

perfect and unchanging

Aristotle's model of universe was


Aristotle believed that Earth did not


Who accurately determined the size of Earth by considering sun angles at Syene and Alexandria?


One of the first principles of ancient astronomy is that the heavens beyond _____ are perfect, and the Earth is corrupt.


Who taught that the Earth is stationary and at the center of the universe with the sun, the moon, and the planets moving around Earth in perfect circles?


Evidence of early prehistoric human cultures observing astronomical phenomena exists in

archaeoastronomical sites

What did Ptolemey do?

Updated Aritotle's model of universe by transforming it into sophisticated mathematical model

What was first principle which was accepted by ancient philosophers and astronomers?

Heavens were geocentric with Earth at the center and the Sun, Moon, and planets moving in uniform circular motion

What is an epicycle?

Small circle

What is the deferent?

Larger circle

What is equant?

Point from which the center of an epicycle appeared to move at constant rate

What is parallax?

Apparent motion of an object because of the motion of the observer

The parallax is too small to

be seen with the unaided eye

Retrograde motion is

when planets moved to East, but then started to move to west than back to East

The Ptolemaic model of the Universe was

geocentric and based on uniform circular motion

How did Claudius Ptolemy account for the retrograde motion of the planets?

Each planet moves on an epicycle that in turn moves on a deferent that circles around Earth

Which planets' motions were described with epicycles in the Ptolemaic system?

All of known planets

In Ptolemy's mathematical model of planetary motion, a planet was on a circular path, known as an


An epicycle's center was on


deferent was centered on


What were epicycles used to describe?

retrograde motion of planets

How did the epicycles of Mercury and Venus differ from those of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Ptolemey's mathematical model of planetary motion?

Their centers had to always be on the line between Earth and the sun

Why did the centers of the epicycles of Mercury and Venus have to remain on the line between Earth and the sun?

because they were never seen very far from the sun in the sky

Copernicus changed the place of Earth by devising a heliocentric model of the cosmos. Based Copernicus and the heliocentric system, select all of the correct statements from the following list:

- Copernicus's heliocentric model provided a simple explanation for retrograde motion.
- Copernicus's model featured multiple motions of Earth

How did Nicolaus Copernicus account for the retrograde motion of the planets? Aka explanation for retrograde motion

Inner planets orbit the sun faster and pass outer planets as they orbit around the sun.

Retrograde motion

Inner planets orbit the sun faster and pass outer planets as they orbit around the sun.

What feature of Aristotle's model of the universe was included in the model proposed by Copernicus?

Uniform Circular Motion

Why did the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus gain support soon after its publication?

It was a more elegant explanation of retrograde motion

Why did Copernicus use epicycles in his system?

Copernicus insisted on circular motions and needed epicycles to reproduce minor variations in motions of planets.

Why didn't Copernicus's system predict the positions of planets any better than Ptolemy's?

Because both Copernicus and Ptolemy used uniform circular motion

Which set of astronomical tables is based on Ptolemy's model?

Alfonsine tables

Which set of astronomical tables is based on the Copernican model?

Prutenic tables

Which set of astronomical tables were considered most accurate?

Rudolphine tables

What was the most important idea of Copernicus's book?

Universe is heliocentric

In the Copernican system, Earth moves ___ along its orbit than the planets that lie farther from the Sun


Copernicus explained retrograde motion, by "saying" that

Earth moves faster than other planets

True or false: Copernicus's system was useful in predicting phases


The closer planet to the Sun

faster it moves

When Tycho observed the new star of 1572, he could detect no parallax. Why did that result undermine belief in the Ptolemaic system?

This star is farther away than the moon and thus the heavens are not perfect and unchanging

What was the most important contribution of Tycho Brahe to modern astronomy?

twenty years of accurate measurements of planetary positions

How was Tycho Brahe able to make more accurate astronomical measurements than had been made before his time?

He designed and used large devices to measure small angles

Increasing the distance between the foci increases


When the distance between the two foci is zero, the figure is


How did Kepler's first law of planetary motion alter the Copernican system?

It changed the perfect circles to ellipses and it placed the sun at one focus of each orbit

Which of the "First Principles of Ancient Astronomy" did Kepler's laws contradict?

Earth is at the center of the universe and all heavenly motion is uniform and circular

What does Kepler's second law indicate about the orbital speed of a planet?

A planet moves at its fastest when it is closest to the sun

Tycho believed that planets orbit

sun which orbits earth

What is hypothesis?

assertion or conjecture that must be tested

What is theory?

system of rules and principles that can be applied to a wide variety of circumstances

What is natural law?

theory that has been refined, tested, and confirmed so often that scientists have great confidence in it

What astronomical table was developed most recently?

the Rudolphine tables

Who created the Rudolphine tables?

Tycho and Kepler

The quantitative numerical result of Kepler's research was

set of tables giving future positions of the planets

What phases of Venus are predicted by the Ptolemaic system?

new and crescent phases only

Galileo discovered that the Moon was...


Moon has...

craters and mountains

Sun has


Galileo was first to use this object for astronomy


When observing Jupiter, Galileo discovered that

Jupiter has four moons

Jupiter's four moons are called

Galilean moons

The moons of Jupiter were strong evidence for

heliocentric system

In Tycho's model, the phases of Venus were which of the following?

Copernican's system

Ptolemey said that Venus has only

two phases

Superior planets doesn't show


Inferior planets show


The object with largest angular distance is



Study of astronomy of ancient people

What is geocentric universe?

Universe with Earth in center

What is heliocentric universe?

Universe with Sun in center

Classical philosophers believed that Earth was

center of universe

Eratosthenes accurately estimated...

diameter of Earth

Classical philosophers believed that Earth did not..


Thales taught that the Universe is

rational and it can be understood by human mind

Pythagoras taught that all natures was underlain by


Pythagoras believed that harmony of celestial movements produces

actual music, "music of spheres

Greek astronomers tried to describe the Universe using

geometrical forms

Philolaus argues that Earth moved in

circular path around "fire" which is hidden behind Earth

Plato argues that

reality humans see is distorted version of perfect, ideal form

What is uniform circular motion?

Motion of heavens described by motions of multiple rotating spheres

Why is Stonehenge thought to be an ancient astronomical observatory?

Because stones are aligned with significant rising and setting position

Plato proposed that all heavenly motion are

circular and uniform

Plato believed in principle of

perfection of the heavens

What is perfection of the heavens?

Heavens represent perfection (circles)

What did Plato propose about all heavenly motion?

motion in circular paths

Plato believed that this _ was perfect geometric form


Plato believed that Universe consists of

perfect spheres

What effect did Plato's proposal have on future astronomers?

His idea of a sphere being the most perfect geometric form influenced astronomical theories for literally hundreds of years.

Scientific method did not exist in

Ancient Greece

Aristotle attempted to understand his world by reasoning logically and carefully from

first principle

What is first principle?

Something that is held to be obviously true and needs no further examination

First Principle: Once principle is recognized as true, whatever can be derived from it must also be


Aristotle believed that the Universe was divided into two parts:

Earth (imperfect and changeable), heavens (perfect and unchanging)

Aristotle believed that Earth was

imperfect and changeable

Aristotle believe that heavens were

perfect and unchanging

Aristotle's model of universe was


Aristotle believed that Earth did not


Who accurately determined the size of Earth by considering sun angles at Syene and Alexandria?


One of the first principles of ancient astronomy is that the heavens beyond _____ are perfect, and the Earth is corrupt.


Who taught that the Earth is stationary and at the center of the universe with the sun, the moon, and the planets moving around Earth in perfect circles?


Evidence of early prehistoric human cultures observing astronomical phenomena exists in

archaeoastronomical sites

What did Ptolemey do?

Updated Aritotle's model of universe by transforming it into sophisticated mathematical model

What was first principle which was accepted by ancient philosophers and astronomers?

Heavens were geocentric with Earth at the center and the Sun, Moon, and planets moving in uniform circular motion

What is an epicycle?

Small circle

What is the deferent?

Larger circle

What is equant?

Point from which the center of an epicycle appeared to move at constant rate

What is parallax?

Apparent motion of an object because of the motion of the observer

The parallax is too small to

be seen with the unaided eye

Retrograde motion is

when planets moved to East, but then started to move to west than back to East

The Ptolemaic model of the Universe was

geocentric and based on uniform circular motion

How did Claudius Ptolemy account for the retrograde motion of the planets?

Each planet moves on an epicycle that in turn moves on a deferent that circles around Earth

Which planets' motions were described with epicycles in the Ptolemaic system?

All of known planets

In Ptolemy's mathematical model of planetary motion, a planet was on a circular path, known as an


An epicycle's center was on


deferent was centered on


What were epicycles used to describe?

retrograde motion of planets

How did the epicycles of Mercury and Venus differ from those of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Ptolemey's mathematical model of planetary motion?

Their centers had to always be on the line between Earth and the sun

Why did the centers of the epicycles of Mercury and Venus have to remain on the line between Earth and the sun?

because they were never seen very far from the sun in the sky

Copernicus changed the place of Earth by devising a heliocentric model of the cosmos. Based Copernicus and the heliocentric system, select all of the correct statements from the following list:

- Copernicus's heliocentric model provided a simple explanation for retrograde motion.
- Copernicus's model featured multiple motions of Earth

How did Nicolaus Copernicus account for the retrograde motion of the planets? Aka explanation for retrograde motion

Inner planets orbit the sun faster and pass outer planets as they orbit around the sun.

Retrograde motion

Inner planets orbit the sun faster and pass outer planets as they orbit around the sun.

What feature of Aristotle's model of the universe was included in the model proposed by Copernicus?

Uniform Circular Motion

Why did the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus gain support soon after its publication?

It was a more elegant explanation of retrograde motion

Why did Copernicus use epicycles in his system?

Copernicus insisted on circular motions and needed epicycles to reproduce minor variations in motions of planets.

Why didn't Copernicus's system predict the positions of planets any better than Ptolemy's?

Because both Copernicus and Ptolemy used uniform circular motion

Which set of astronomical tables is based on Ptolemy's model?

Alfonsine tables

Which set of astronomical tables is based on the Copernican model?

Prutenic tables

Which set of astronomical tables were considered most accurate?

Rudolphine tables

What was the most important idea of Copernicus's book?

Universe is heliocentric

In the Copernican system, Earth moves ___ along its orbit than the planets that lie farther from the Sun


Copernicus explained retrograde motion, by "saying" that

Earth moves faster than other planets

True or false: Copernicus's system was useful in predicting phases


The closer planet to the Sun

faster it moves

When Tycho observed the new star of 1572, he could detect no parallax. Why did that result undermine belief in the Ptolemaic system?

This star is farther away than the moon and thus the heavens are not perfect and unchanging

What was the most important contribution of Tycho Brahe to modern astronomy?

twenty years of accurate measurements of planetary positions

How was Tycho Brahe able to make more accurate astronomical measurements than had been made before his time?

He designed and used large devices to measure small angles

Increasing the distance between the foci increases


When the distance between the two foci is zero, the figure is


How did Kepler's first law of planetary motion alter the Copernican system?

It changed the perfect circles to ellipses and it placed the sun at one focus of each orbit

Which of the "First Principles of Ancient Astronomy" did Kepler's laws contradict?

Earth is at the center of the universe and all heavenly motion is uniform and circular

What does Kepler's second law indicate about the orbital speed of a planet?

A planet moves at its fastest when it is closest to the sun

Tycho believed that planets orbit

sun which orbits earth

What is hypothesis?

assertion or conjecture that must be tested

What is theory?

system of rules and principles that can be applied to a wide variety of circumstances

What is natural law?

theory that has been refined, tested, and confirmed so often that scientists have great confidence in it

What astronomical table was developed most recently?

the Rudolphine tables

Who created the Rudolphine tables?

Tycho and Kepler

The quantitative numerical result of Kepler's research was

set of tables giving future positions of the planets

What phases of Venus are predicted by the Ptolemaic system?

new and crescent phases only

Galileo discovered that the Moon was...


Moon has...

craters and mountains

Sun has


Galileo was first to use this object for astronomy


When observing Jupiter, Galileo discovered that

Jupiter has four moons

Jupiter's four moons are called

Galilean moons

The moons of Jupiter were strong evidence for

heliocentric system

In Tycho's model, the phases of Venus were which of the following?

Copernican's system

Ptolemey said that Venus has only

two phases

Superior planets doesn't show


Inferior planets show


The object with largest angular distance is
