Solar and lunar eclipses

What is an eclipse?

The total or partial blocking of one object by another object.

What is a solar eclipse?

Is really just a new moon that totally blocks a person's view of the sun.

What is the longest a solar eclipse can last?

7 minutes 40 seconds.

Where does the longest solar eclipse occur?

At or near the equator.

What happens to the duration of a solar eclipse with increasing latitude?

It decreases.

Why doesn't a solar eclipse happen every month?

The moon's orbit is not directly in the same plane as earth's orbit; it is tilted, which means that the moon rarely passes between the earth and the sun.

What are the two parts of the moon's shadow called?

Umbra, and penumbra

In which part of the moon's shadow would you have to be to see a total eclipse of the sun?

The umbra

If you are in the penumbra shadow of the moon, what type of solar eclipse would you see?

A partial eclipse of the sun.

What are the two types of solar eclipses called?

Partial and total.

What happens to the sky during a total solar eclipse?

It becomes dark, stars are visible and the sun's corona can be seen.

Which is larger the moon's umbra or the penumbra?

The penumbra.

How big is the umbra?

A few hundred miles wide and few thousand miles long.

What should people viewing a partial solar eclipse wear?

Protective eyewear.

Where can a partial solar eclipse be seen?

1/2 of the earth's surface.

What is a lunar eclipse?

When the earth is directly in line between the sun and the moon.

When does a lunar eclipse occur?

When the moon is at the full moon stage.

Does a lunar eclipse happen every month?


Why doesn't a lunar eclipse happen every month?

The moon's orbit is at an angle with respect to earth's orbit. Most months the moon can travel in orbit around the earth without falling into its shadow.

What is the difference between a partial and total lunar eclipse?

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the whole moon passes through the umbra, which is the darkest of part of the earth's shadow.A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a section of the moon passes through the umbra.

How long can a lunar eclipse last?


Who can see a lunar eclipse?

Lunar eclipses can be seen anywhere on earth where the moon is visible.

When is a good time for a lunar eclipse?

2 weeks before and 2 weeks after a solar eclipse.

When is a good time for a solar eclipse?

61/2 lunar months after a lunar eclipse.

What is the period during which the new and full moons are close to earth's orbit called?

Eclipse seasons.