Astronomy- Ch. 8

What are the four major features of our solar system that provide clues to how it formed? Describe each one briefly.

a. Patterns of motion among large bodies- Sun, planets, large moons rotate in an organized way (co-planar)�nearly circular orbits in the same direction (coplanar and prograde)
b. Two major types of planets- terrestrial vs. jovian planets
c. Asteroids and

What is the nebular theory, and why is it widely accepted by scientists today?

The nebular theory is a modification of the nebular hypothesis which said that the solar system formed from the gravitational collapse of an interstellar cloud of gas. It was formed when scientists used more sophisticated models of the processes that occu

What do we mean by the solar nebula? What was it made of, and where did it come from?

The solar nebula is the cloud of gas from which our solar system was born when it collapsed under its own gravity. By using the compositions of the Sun, other stars, and interstellar gas clouds, we know that the solar nebula contained 98% hydrogen and hel

Describe each of the three key processes that led the solar nebula to take the form of a spinning disk. What observational evidence supports this scenario?

The solar nebula took the form of a spinning disk, instead of a sphere, because of three main processes: heating, spinning, and flattening.
-Heating: means that the temperature increased as it collapsed representing energy conservation. As it shrank, the

List the four categories of materials in the solar nebula by their condensation properties and abundance. Which ingredients are present in terrestrial planets? In jovian planets? In comets and asteroids? Explain why.

Hydrogen and helium: 98% of solar nebula. NEVER CONDENSE
Hydrogen compounds (1.4% of solar nebula. Condense into ices below 150K
.these include water, methane, and ammonia
Rock: 0.4% of solar nebula, Condenses into solid bits of mineral b/t 500-1300K

What was the frost line in the solar nebula? Explain how temperature differences led to the formation of two distinct types of planets.

The frost line in the solar nebula lies between Mars and Jupiter. It is the distance where it was cold enough for hydrogen compounds to condense into ices. Temperature differences led to the formation of two distinct types of planets (terrestrial and jovi

Briefly describe the process by which terrestrial planets are thought to have formed.

The process by which terrestrial planets formed is called accretion. It begins with the microscopic solid particles that condensed from the solar nebula's gas. Because the particles orbited the Sun just like the gas that orbited, the particles "collisions

How was the formation of jovian planets similar to that of the terrestrial planets? How was it different?

Condensation of ices farther out in the solar nebula meant there were more solid materials in addition to the metal and rock. Jovian planets formed as gravity drew gas around ice-rich planetesimals much larger than Earth; (when it gets about 10 Earth mass

Why did the jovian planets end up with so many moons?


What is the solar wind, and what roles did it play in the early solar system?


In the context of planet formation, what are asteroids and comets? Briefly explain why we find asteroids in the asteroid belt and comets in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.


What was the heavy bombardment, and when did it occur?


How do we think the Moon formed, and what evidence supports this hypothesis?


Describe the technique of radiometric dating. What is a half-life?


How old is the solar system, and how do we know?


Suppose the entire solar nebula had cooled to 50 K before the solar wind cleared it away. How would the composition and sizes of the planets of the inner solar system be different from what we see today? Explain your answer in a few sentences.


Suppose the solar wind had cleared away the solar nebula before the seeds of the jovian planets could gravitationally draw in hydrogen and helium gas. How would the planets of the outer solar system be different? Would they still have many moons? Explain


Suppose our solar nebula had begun with much more angular momentum than it did. Do you think planets could still have formed? Why or why not? What if the solar nebula had started with zero angular momentum?


Our bodies (and most living things) are made mostly of water: H20. Summarize the "history" of a typical hydrogen atom from its creation to the formation of Earth. Do the same for a typical oxygen atom.
