astronomy chapter 16

the light we see form the sun comes form which layer


the temperature of the layer of gas that produces the visible light of the sun is

5,800 k

why coudn't you stand on the surface of the sun

the sun doesn't have a solid surface

how many planet earths could fit inside the sun

a little over 1 million

the densitiy of the sun is most familiar to which object


the area in the sun's atmosphere located above the chromosphere (1,500-10,000km) where the temperature rises dramatically is called the

transition zone

about what percent of the incoming energy from the sun reaches earths surface


the solar constant is measure of

the energy received by the sun at the location of earth

the luminosity of the sun is a measureof

the total energy emitted by the sun in all directions

from inside out, which is in the correct order for the structure of the sun

radiative zone,convective zone, chromosphere

by what mechanism does solar energy reach the sun's pohtosphere from the layer just underneath it


hydrostatic equilibrium in our sun is the balance between

gravitation and pressure

the vibrations of the sun reveal information about

the interior structure of the sun

what two energy transport mechanisms, in order from outside the core to the surface is found in the sun

radiative difussion, covection

what is the size of a typical granule or convection cell seen in the photosphere

1,000 km

the pattern of rising hot gas cells all over the photosphere is called


the outwad pressure of hot gas in the sun.....

is balanced by the inward gravitational pressure

when the chromosphere can be seen during a solar eclipse, it appears


from where does most of the solar wind flow

coronal holes

what is it about the sun's corona that astronomers don't understand

the corona is much hotter than layers of the sun that are closer to the solar interior

when we glimpse the chromosphere at the start and end of totality, its color is

red, due to ionized hydrogen at lower pressure

the percentage by mass of the sun is hydrogen is about...


the percetnage by number of atoms of the sun that is hydrogen is about


the percentage by mass of the sun is helium is about...


a loop of gas follwoing the magnetic field lines between sunspots is a


how long does the sunspot cycle las, on average

between 25-35 days

sisible sunspots lie in the...

granulation in the photosphere

as the sun rotates, an individual sunspot can be tracked across its face, from eastern to western limb this takes about

two weeks

the most striking example of solar variablity was the

Maunder Minimum from 1645-1715


come in pairs, representing the north and south magnetic fields

sunspots are dark splotches on the sun, which implies

they are extremely hot, but cooler than the sorrounding areas of the sun

how would sunspots appear if you could magically removed them from the sun

they would shine bright orange inc olor, like Arcturus

while observing the sun, you note a large number of sunspots, what can you conclude...

there are likely to be an above average number of flares and prominances

the numbers of sunspots and their activity peak about every

11 years

loops of glowing hydrogen seen hanging over the solar limb during totality are


during a period of high solar activity, the corona

is more irregular

the solar winds blow outward from

coronal holes

which of these are not associated with the active sun


suppose a large flare is detected optically, how long until radio interference arrives...


which of the following is NOT a property of neutrinos

cannot interact at all with normal matter

the critical temperature the core must reach for a star to shine by fusion is

10 million Kelvin

in the proton-proton cycle, the helium atom and neutrino have less mass than the original hydrogen..what happens to the "lost" mass

it is converted to energy

the primary source of the sun's energy is...

the strong force fusing hydrogeninto helium

in the proton-proton cycle, the positron is ...

an anti-electron

what natural barrier tries to prevent two protons from combining

electromagnetic repulsion

the critical temperature to initiate proton-proton cycle in the cores of stars is...

10 million kELVIN

WHICH is the net result of the proton-proton chain?

4protons=1helium4+2neutrinos+gamma rays

the speed of light 2.00*10E8. If 2.00kg is converted to energy, how much energy will be produced

using E=mc^2