Of Mice and Men Review

What happened to Lennie's puppy?

Lennie killed him.

Who does Lennie talk to at the beginning of chapter 4 and where?

Crooks, in the barn

Why did Lennie's puppy die?

Lennie handled him too roughly.

From where are George and Lennie traveling?


How does Lennie react to his pup's death?

He knows George is going to be mad, and he thinks George won't let him tend the rabbits now.

What does Lennie tell Crooks that he probably shouldn't?

About the ranch

Why does Curley's wife come to see Lennie in chapter 5?

Curley's wife figured out that he crushed Curley's hand and wouldn't be afraid of Curley anymore -- he was the most likely candidate for her advances at this time.

What does George find on his bed when he first enters the bunkhouse?

Bug killer

What does Curley's wife tell Lennie in chapter 5?

Curley's wife had had other opportunities to go places and make something of herself, but she couldn't take advantage of them, so she married Curley as the next most likely way to get out of her hometown.

What did Crooks's father do?

He owned a chicken farm.

What happens when Curley's wife invites Lennie to feel her hair?

Lennie gets a little too rough and when Curley's wife starts to struggle, he gets confused and holds even tighter.

George and Lennie are...

Not related

How does Curley's wife react when Lennie won't let go of her hair?

She starts to yell.

When Crooks tells Lennie that the other men will hurt George, how does Lennie react?

Lennie gets angry.

How does Lennie react when Curley's wife starts to yell?

Lennie thinks George will hear and will be mad that he is communicating with the woman, so he covers her mouth.

What is George and Lennie's final destination?

A ranch outside of Soledad

As Lennie holds on to Curley's wife, he becomes more and more confused. What finally happens as a result?

Lennie breaks Curley's wife's neck.

What physical attribute does Crooks possess?

A crooked back

What is George's reaction when he found out about Curley's wife's death?

He does not want the men to think he had anything to do with it, and then he tries to think how he can protect Lennie.

Who joins Crooks and Lennie during their conversation in chapter 4?

Candy joins them.

What does George do after discovering Curley's wife's body?

He goes and gets his hat and coat and the Luger before he joins the men.

To what use does Crooks claim George is putting his money?

A brothel

What is Curley's reaction to his wife's death?

Curley is furious, and right away assumes Lennie had done it.

What did Lennie do in Weed?

Touch a girl's dress

What does Curley want to do to Lennie at the end of chapter 5?

Curley wants to lynch Lennie.

During his conversation with Lennie, Crooks eventually wants ___.

To go in on the ranch with them

When George meets Lennie at the old campsite in chapter 6, how does he address Lennie.

George tries to tell Lennie that he's not mad.

Why does Lennie carry the dead mouse with him?

He likes to pet it.

George recognizes that the only way to save Lennie is to . . .

Kill him himself.

Who tries stands up for the three men in chapter 4 when Curley's wife insults them?

Candy & Crooks

How does George distract Lennie in chapter 6?

He makes up with Lennie and talks to him about the land, making Lennie look across the water to "see" it.

What does the Boss suspect of George?

George is stealing Lennie's money.

How does George kill Lennie?

He shoots him with the Luger in the most humane way possible.

How does Curley's wife threaten Crooks?

Crooks could by lynched.

Why does George kill Lennie?

He saves him from a worse fate because he cares for him.

What sneaky thing does Lennie try to do in chapter 3?

Bring a puppy in the bunkhouse


Which character understands why George did what he did in chapter 6?

What is the last thing Crooks says to Candy? (paraphrased)

I don't really care about the ranch.

Why does Slim understand George's reaction in chapter 6?

Because of their earlier conversation, Slim understands the relationship between George and Lennie.

What is George and Lennie's dream?

To own their own ranch

Curley's wife

Who joins Lennie in the barn at the beginning of chapter 5?

Identify Crooks.

Crooks is the Black stable hand. He has apparently worked on this ranch for some time, judging from his accumulated possessions.

For what reason can we infer that Curley's wife married Curley?

She wanted to get away from her mother.

How does George explain Lennie's mental state to the boss?

Lennie has been kicked in the head by a horse.

What do Lennie and Curley's wife have in common?

They like to touch soft things.

Lennie tells Crooks about the land. What is Crooks's reply at first?

Crooks tells Lennie that he is nuts. He says he's seen hundreds of hands come and go with the same dream of having a piece of land, and none of them ever actually did get any land. "Nobody gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. It's just in their head.

Who discovers Curley's wife dead in the barn?


What does Carlson want?

For Candy to shoot his dog

What does Crooks want when he believes there might really be land?

He wants to join the men on the land and will work for free, for just being able to live there.

Who does Lennie talk to (in his head) at the beginning of chapter 6?

Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit


Who discovers Lennie by the river in chapter 6?

Who is Curley looking for?

His wife

What does George tell Lennie about in his last moments?

The ranch they're going to have

Why does Curley immediately hate Lennie?

Curley is small and Lennie is big.

Why did Curley's wife come to the barn?

She was looking for Curley, she said, but she actually came to talk to the men and find some company.

Why did Crooks change his mind after Curley's wife left?

He realized that the dream could never come true for him. He was a Black man who had just been put in his place by a White woman, and this fact brought back the harsh reality

Where is Lennie supposed to go if he gets into trouble?

Hide in the brush

Who is the "jerkline skinner, the prince of the ranch, capable of driving 10, 16, or even 20 mules"? He gives the boss's orders to the men.


A huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders, and he walks heavily, dragging his feet a little



George's friend, who is not very smart but is an extremely strong man and a good worker.

What is Lennie's last name?


How did Candy get $250?

He lost his hand.

Small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. He has small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose


What is George planning to get for Lennie at the end of chapter 2?

A puppy

What does Candy wish he had done?

Shot his dog


Takes care of Lennie as they travel together.

What does George answer when the boss asks what he is trying to put over

He says he isn't trying to put anything over, that he and Lennie travel together; they are cousins.

What is George's first complaint about Lennie?

Lennie is drinking too much water.

What does George tell the boss to get him to hire Lennie?

Lennie is a strong, good worker who follows orders well.

What does Lennie do to Curley?

He crushes his hand.

Slim and George have a long conversation. Slim says it's funny how George and Lennie go around together. What is George's answer?

He explains that Lennie had no one else to take care of him, and George assumed the responsibility. He admits that Lennie is a pain in the neck sometimes, but that "you kinda get used to going around with a guy and after a while you can't get rid of 'm.

George is almost always complaining about Lennie, but . . .

That doesn't change the fact that he appreciates Lennie's companionship.

The boss' son. He was a young man with a brown face, brown eyes and a head of tightly curled hair. He wore a work glove on his left hand, and he wore high- heeled boots. Curley was a little man, but had been a boxing champion. He didn't like anybody and w


In chapter 1, what do we learn about why George and Lennie left Weed?

Lennie did something bad, and some men chased after them.

Seems like Curley ain't givin' nobody a chance.

If Curley would fight a big man and win, everyone would think he was very strong and would congratulate him. If Curley would fight a big man and lose, everyone would feel sorry for him and tell the big man to pick on someone his own size. Either way, Curl


The swamper. He is an older man who has at some time lost one hand. He has an old dog he raised from a pup and although he realizes that the dog must be in misery, he can't bring himself to shoot it.

What did Lennie do in Weed?

Lennie touched a girl's dress to feel the material.

What advice does George give Lennie after Curley and the swamper leave?

George tells Lennie to stay away from Curley, that he is nothing but trouble.

What did Carlson do with his Luger? Why?

Carlson shot Candy's dog to put it out of its misery because Candy couldn't bring himself to do it.

Why did George and Lennie REALLY get in trouble in Weed?

The people of Weed believed Lennie raped a girl.

How does Lennie feel about the ranch after Curley confronts him?

. Lennie doesn't like this place, and he wants to leave.

What card game does George play?


Lennie did not actually rape the girl in Weed, but why did she say he did?

When the girl screamed at Lennie, he got excited and confused and held on to her dress even tighter.

Who is another ranch hand?


How might solitaire be symbolic for the way George feels about his life?

He might play solitaire because it's a card game for one, and maybe he's feeling like he is on his own.

What is in Lennie's pocket?

A dead mouse

Describe Curley's wife, according to the men.

Dresses and acts like a tramp

Why does Lennie carry the dead mouse?

He likes to pet soft things.

What problem does Curley's wife cause?

She is lonesome since Curley won't let her talk to anyone. She keeps coming around the bunkhouse and barn to talk to the men (and to make advances), and then Curley gets jealous and mad with the men and tries to start fights.

What could George do if he didn't have Lennie?

He could take his money and go to a cat house or out drinking whiskey all night or spend his time playing cards at a pool hall.

What will Lennie's job be when he and George get their land?

Lennie's job will be to tend the rabbits.

Lennie offers to go away and live in a cave. What is George's response?

George tells Lennie that Lennie wouldn't survive, that he couldn't find any food or take care of himself.

What does Candy want when he hears about George's and Lennie's plans?

Candy wants to join George and Lennie on their land.

Why are George and Lennie different from the other "guys like us that work on ranches"?

Each one has the other to look out for him.

What is Candy willing to contribute to George and Lennie's plan?

He is willing to put up several hundred dollars he has saved.

What does George want Lennie to do when they meet the boss?

He wants Lennie to stay quiet.

Why did Curley fight with Lennie?

Lennie was smiling, thinking about the land when Carlson and Candy were verbally attacking Curley. Curley sees Lennie smiling and assumes he is laughing at him.

Why is Lennie so fixated on rabbits?

George says he can tend the rabbits when they get their own ranch.

How does Lennie end up hurting Curley?

Curley begins beating on Lennie, who remains with his hands at his sides until George tells him several times to go ahead and fight back. Lennie grabs Curley's hand, and although he wasn't trying to hurt him, he crushes the hand, breaking several bones.