Org/Comm Exam 1

Organizational Communication

The interaction of a group to reach a common goal; the messages we create and adapt to reach internal and external stakeholders


Habitual ways of seeing the world that are unique to individuals; as our sense of self develops, our worldviews are created

Organizational Environment Types

Turbulent & Placid

Turbulent Environment

complex, hard to predict, fear of unexpected

Placid Environment

accurate forecasts, calm and predictable atmosphere

The Baldrige Award Criteria

leadership, strategy, customers, workforce, measurement, operations, results

Culture of negotiation

organizing is not easy because we live in a time of negotiation and interpretation where groups are not easily defined

Loyalty - New Work Contracts

loyalty is hard to find; there is continuous company recruiting and companies must provide opportunities for employees to hone skills

Communication as ___ & ____

situated and perishable

Situated Communication

context or situationally based

Perishable Communication

what makes sense in the moment might not make sense in the next

Knowledge workers

high level employee that applies theoretical and analytical knowledge to perform complex and unpredictable work

boundary spanners

people who connect one network to another within the company or even across organizations

dialectics theory

a perspective built around the idea that relationships are never completely stable but are constantly changing as people manage seemingly contradictory tensions


have interest or concern in the organization

Factors impacting organizations today...

climate change
changing demographics

Features of Organizations

social collectivity
organizational and individual GOALS
coordinating activity
organizational structure
embedding of the organization within an environment of other organizations

Info-transfer approach

Communication pipeline"
-possible to transfer thoughts and feelings with language
-assumption made on how you're feeling, receivers are passive, everyone interprets the message the same, nonverbal communication

multiple stakeholder model

concerned with interests of many individuals; balancing the profitability needs of the organization with society's need for well-adjusted citizens


certain groups are left out of the equation to focus on a specific group's needs
"dedicated worker story

What is the role of myths, metaphors, and stories?

narratives or legends that reveal and perpetuate the values or beliefs of a group - the "rightness" of the power structure

The role of manufactured content?

Capitalist societies exist based on social legitimacy, employees adopt and enforce the "legitimate" power of the system

hidden power of cultures

-assumptions of superiority (my culture is better based on other differences)
-universality - we are all alike and differences don't matter

covert power

ideas that form the basis of political or economic theory
"the healthcare model

French & raven kinds of power?

social = ability to influence
reward = who controls rewards
coercive = deceiving
legitimate = true leader based on status
referent = given to the person
expert = based on knowledge
informational = based on info and factual resources

what does the critical approach focus on?

tensions between power imbalances

Shein's levels of culture?

-artifacts "visual symbols"
-espoused values "what should happen"
-basic assumptions "believed by all members of a group

Main concepts in Shein's definition of power?

group based; basic assumptions; emergent and developmental process; socialization

Cultural approach?

MEANING - symbol-driven

Katz & Kahn

organizations are OPEN systems

how do learning orgs differ from traditional?

place more emphasis on mastery of systems, mental models, team learning

Karl Weick's Theory of Organizing

Organizations exist in an environment
-retrospective sense-making; looking back on past decisions

Martha Wheatley's magic mantra

nothing exists, CHAOS = order; people desire MEANING


learning organization
-adaptive learning: survival
-generative learning: enhances creative capacity

Systems approach?

organism - must interact with their environment to survive
a complex set of relationships among interdependent parts

Explain systems approach properties and such?

open, interdependent, goal driven
-input-throughput-output processes of exchange and feedback
-the company has holism, there is no one best way, the system must be as complex as its environment or it is unlikely to thrive
-there should be ordering, one co

Likert's System IV:

1: expoitative-authoritative - exploitative and everything based about classical
2. benevolent - same just not exploting
3. consultative.- decisions made at the top but take into account opinions
4. participative - all taken into account (HR org)

Blake & mouton's managerial grid

team management - high concern for production and people

HR Approach:

content: task, social, innovative
direction: all - team-based
mode: all
style: both but especially informal

human relations

content: task, social
direction: vertical, horizontal
mode: face to face
style: informal

Levels of dialogue

speaking and hearing in balance
-equitable transaction
-empathetic conversation
- real meeting

equitable transaction

all employees have a chance to voice opinions and perspectives

empathetic conversation

putting yourself in others shoes; multiple viewpoints

real meeting

entering a conversation without any preconceptions

strategic ambiguity

communication goals are accomplished without communication clearly (ambiguous language) - used to promote unified diversity or establish a collective direction, facilitates change

transactional process approach

receivers and senders continuously send verbal and nonverbal messages; meaning is in people and miscommunication is the norm
-problem: overemphasis o shared meaning; fails to account for ambiguity, motive, and interpretations

strategic control approach

controlling environment, adapt to multiple goals
-strategic ambiguity
-problem: role of ethics is minimized

balance of creativity and constraint approach

dialectics: behavior is an unresolvable tension between creativity and constraint
problem: constraining

organization as dialogues

structuration theory: communication is how people organize