
? Is the title of a book important? Why or Why not?

It gives you an idea of what the book is about.

? What title did Ramban give to our Sefer?

Sefer gulus and Gullah

? What title did Behag give to our Sefer? What titles did Behag give to the other Books of
the Chumash?

The Bahag called it Sefer sheni the netziv is confused as to why he called it Sefer sheni when he titles the rest of the books random titles as apposed to Sefer 1, Sefer 2, Sefer 3... the Netziv then explains that he titled it that because in Sefer berash

? What seemed odd to Netziv about Behag's titles?

the netziv is confused as to why he called it Sefer sheni when he titles the rest of the books random titles as apposed to Sefer 1, Sefer 2, Sefer 3...

? How does Netziv explain Behag's odd title for our Sefer?

the Netziv then explains that he titled it that because in Sefer berashis Hashem created the world but the Bahag believes that the world wasn't finished being created until Beni yisrael accepted the Torah so Sefer Shemos was a continuation of Sefer berash

? According to Ramban, what is the true essence of Sefer Shemos?

Exile and redemption- freedom

? Explain, according to Ramban, what stories/information can be found in Sefer Shemos
AND why that information/story is in Sefer Shemos and aligned with the Sefer's central

Slavory and redemption because the ramban believes that the true essence of the Sefer is freedom therefore slavory and redemption defines how the Jews were freed

? According to Behag/Netziv, what is the true essence of Sefer Shemos?

He believes that when god created the world there's a fundamental process . The world isn't done being created until beni yesrael accepts gods torah therefore Sefer shemot is a continuation of Sefer berashes

? Explain, according to Behag/Netziv, what stories/information can be found in Sefer
Shemos AND why that information/story is in Sefer Shemos and aligned with the Sefer's
central theme.

Formation of nation- transition from family to nation accepting the Torah- building the mishcan to give Hashem place to rest. This is the completion of the the creation the world

? What does it mean that Pharaoh was a ??? ??? according to Rashi?

New king or old king- either rly didn't know or he changed his laws

? What does it mean that Pharaoh was a ??? ??? according to Ibn Ezra?

Maybe he wasnt from Egypt- married in/....

? What challenges could have been facing this new Pharaoh AND how might those
challenges help us understand his attitude towards the Jews?

He wasn't from royalty therefore he had the pressure so he was mean.

? How can it be that Pharaoh didn't know Yosef according to Ibn Ezra?

Cuz he came from a new place so he didn't know Yosef

? What does it mean that Pharaoh didn't know Yosef according to Netziv?

sometimes the word yada really means the word ahav. Paroh did know Yosef he just didn't like him (i.e. Policies). This is political.

? What can we learn from the rise of this Pharaoh for our world and worldview?

When someone becomes a ruler they try to make themselves better than the previous ruler

? What bothered Pharaoh about the Jews?

He was afraid that the Jews will be more powerful and continue to multiply

? Do we believe Pharaoh when he says "?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ??"? If we don't
believe him, what does he mean or why might he say something which isn't true? How
hard is it for a government to sell a lie like that?

It is a lie because it's impossible for the Jews to become greater also he wanted to get on the Egyptians good side. than the Egyptians and it is easy to convince them because it's coming from the government

? If Pharaoh is lying, what can we learn to be cautious of in our world?

Not everything your hearing from your government is true and it cloud also be a bias opinion

? According to Ramban, what would have happened had Pharaoh sent his army to just kill
the Jews?

the metzreim would act up and the Jews would revolt

? How does Pharaoh decide to curb the Jewish growth rate? What is Pharaoh's wisdom in
implementing his plan?

To throw all the baby boys in the water. The astrologers saw that a great baby boy would be born to the Jews.

? What was the first anti-Jewish legislation that Pharaoh decreed? How did it expand from

He gave the Jews a tax. The midwives killed the babies.

? What could Pharaoh's plan and its implementation teach us about our world?

Something so small can always expand into something major so we have to be aware of warning signs like taxes

? Who were the midwives according to Rashi?

Yocheved and Miriam

? What about Rashi's position bothered Ibn Ezra?

rashi made it seem like there were only two midwives

? How does Ibn Ezra resolve that issue?

It meant that they were the 2 head officers of the midwives

? Who were the midwives according to Malbim?


? Who were the midwives according to Abarbanel?

Shifra was a midwife and puah took care of the mother. they were 2 different professions

? Explain according to Rashi how you think the conversation between Pharaoh and the
midwives went. What are the emotions in the room? What does it look like? What is their

It was very scary and serious. They were nervous bc obviously didn't want to kill the babies

? Explain according to Malbim how you think the conversation between Pharaoh and the
midwives went. What are the emotions in the room? What does it look like? What is their

It was casual bc he thought they were Egyptians yet serious. A little nervous

? Explain according to Abarbanel how you think the conversation between Pharaoh and
the midwives went. What are the emotions in the room? What does it look like? What is
their reaction?

It was a huge conference room also serious. They were scared

? Bring support for Rashi's position on the identity of the midwives from the text of the

Because it said '?????? ??????? ?? ? then obviously they are Jewish if they feared god

? Why is it surprising that the Midwives don't listen to Pharaoh? (be certain to discuss the
Milgram experiment)

Because usually people listen to commands from higher powers and in the milgrim experiment the people listened to the scientist even though it was wrong

? How did the Midwives have the courage and strength to disobey Pharaoh? (two
possibilities one of which should include discussion of the Asch experiment)

A. They feared Hashem B. They had a friend and they weren't alone. and when u have someone agreeing with u and your not the only one with that opinion ull go with it like how we saw in the arch experiment that when s/o had s/o/e agreeing with them they we

? What do these Midwives teach us about our worldview?

In life when people try to influence us into doing the wrong things we should stick to our beliefs and build the courage to stand up for ourselves

1. Where was this man? Where did he go from? Where did he go to? (Rashi, Ibn
Ezra, and Ramban)

A. Rashi: he didn't go anywhere, vayelech means he followed his daughters advice
B. Ibn Ezra: he went to yocheveds house
C. Rambam: Didn't go anywhere He went against pharaoh and had kids

2. In what way was the boy 'good'? (Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ramban, Malbim, Rav Hirsch)

A. Rashi: there was light- when he was born he lit up
B. Ramban: she had a feeling that good things were coming
C. Ibn Ezra: he was good looking
D. R hirsh: didn't cry "good baby"
E. Malbim: He was an early baby and he was still healthy

3. Why could she hid him for three months (Rashi, IbnEzra, Malbim, Netziv, Rav Hirsch)

A. R hirsh: cuz he was a good baby
B. Netziv: cuz Miriam was the midwife for yocheved
C. Rashi: she gave birth early and the Egyptians were tracking due dates
D. Malbim: she gave birth early and no one was having babies so the Egyptians weren't looking fo

why only for three months?

A. R' hirsh: more people found out and as more ppl found out she couldn't hide him anymore and ppl came to her house wanting to see him.
B. Netziv: moshe made noise and ppl heard him and she didn't have a bump anymore and ppl realized. ( the other midwive

4. Why does she put him in water? (Ralbag)

She had to try she couldn't give up hope

5. Why is the sister more concerned than everyone else? (Ramban)

She had the vision and she wanted to see what happens

6. What did the sister think might happen to Moshe? (Seforno)

She thought that someone would take him

7. Why does she watch 'from afar'? (Ramban)

She doesn't want to draw attention

8. Why does bas Pharaoh wash 'on the river'? (Ramban, Netziv)

A. Ramban: she didn't, they biult a special section for the royals and it was higher
B. Netziv: they cleared out the whole place

10. Why is it important that her maids were walking by the river? (Ibn Ezra, Netziv)

Ibn Ezra: bc she ends up sending one to to get the basket
Netziv: so that no one would see that she took the baby

11. What's the difference between an ??? and a ???? and why does the Torah switch
the usage of these two words? (Malbim)

A naarah is an adviser and a amusuh is a servant. So when she called them to take the baby they couldn't tell anyone cuz their her servants, whereas if they were her advisers they would be able to tell

12. Why does Bas Pharaoh give Moshe to Miriam? (based on Netziv and Malbim,

Rashi: bc moshe wouldn't nurse from an Egyptian
Malbim: she wanted him to know that he's Jewish

13. At what age does moshe come to Bas Pharaoh and why is that significant?

. That when she first took him it was in the spare of the moment, and she felt bad for him but even after 2 years she still wanted him and this shows the hashgacha of Hashem.

14. Why is ????? repeated twice with different nouns after? (Rashi, Ramban)

Rashi; the 1st pusuk he grew up in age and the 2nd he grew in importance
Ramban: 1st he grew up and 2nd he grew into a man

15. What might the Torah be telling us when it says that Bas Pharaoh took Moshe 'as
a son'? (Malbim, Ibn Ezra)

Malbim: she didn't forget abt him. He was raised in btr conditions, and gets a better education and an understanding of leadership and Egyptian govt.
Ibn Ezra: bc she raised him

16. Why does she call him Moshe? (Ibn Ezra, based on Malbim)

Ibn Ezra: she doesn't she called him moniose, and the torah changed it
Malbim: she learned how to speak Hebrew to show that she cares

17. What did we learn from the description of the relationship between Moshe and
Bas Pharaoh about adoption? (Ibn Ezra, Chochmas Shlomo)

That he's considered her son cuz if u adopt a child its considered that they're their child and they still completed the mitzvah of having children cuz a parent has to earn that title.

18. Who are Moshe's brothers? (Ramban, Ibn Ezra)

Ramban: the Jews
Ibn Ezra: the mitzriyim

19. Why does Moshe go out to see his brothers? (Rashi, Ramban, Malbim)

Rashi/ ramban : he felt the pain and the. Suffering of the people
Malbim: moshe felt a strong connection to the Jews and wanted justice for them / he needed to see justice done

20. Is it surprising that Moshe goes to see his brothers? (Malbim)

Yes cuz according to Hansen's law we expected moshe to act like the 2nd gen. But he doesn't

21. How did Moshe kill the Egyptian? (Rashi, Ibn Ezra)

Rashi: with words- Shem Hashem
Ibn Ezra: he physically hit him

22. What does ???? ??? add to the text? (Rashi, Ibn Ezra)

Rashi: in his heart he said "do u think ur gonna kill me like you said to the Egyptian ?"
Ibn Ezra:he is saying do you think ur going to kill me like the Egyptian

23. How did the Jew know that Moshe killed the Egyptian? (Ramban)

1. He put his hand on him and he killed him with words
2. Moshe got scared that ppl would blame him so he buried the Egyptian and the Jew saw him bury the Egyptian

24. Who were these two Jews? (Rashi, based on Ibn Ezra)

Rashi: dusun and avirum
Ibn Ezra: not important- random ppl

25. What did Moshe 'see and know' after the Jew spoke to him? (Rashi from

He saw that the Jews were gossipers and he was scared that they wouldn't be zocheh to leave Egypt so he got scared

9. Why does only Bas Pharaoh see the basket? (based on Ramban & Netziv)

Ramban: cuz she was on a higher section where only she could see it
Netziv: she was the only one the cuz her servants cleared out the whole place

What does the Torah mean that '??? ???'? (Malbim)

That moshe is prepared and ready for this task

What does it mean that Moshe led the sheep ??? ?????? (Rashi)

He went past/far away from stealing

What is the Torah telling us by telling us that Moshe 'came - ????' to Chorev? (Seforno)

That he went b by himself to chevron to pray like kalev Ben yefuna

What did the Sne look like? (Rashi, Ibn Ezra)

Rashi: luhav- torch it was aflame
Ibn Ezra: lev- heart- the fire was in the heart of the bush

What does the word ???? mean? (Rashi, Ibn Ezra)

Rashi: torch
Ibn Ezra: heart

What was the message of the Sne? Why does Hashem appear to Moshe as a burning bush and not anything else? (Seforno, Chizkuni)

Seforno: Theres an angle in the middle of the bush and the fire is around the bush. The angle is symbolizing the Jewish ppl in middle of the bush, which is the Egyptians and the thorns are poking them. The fire is the mackot and its enflamiimg the bush/Eg