Death of a Salesman Act II Review

Where did Biff go early that morning?

He went downtown to Bill Oliver's office.

What did Willy resolve to talk about with Howard?

Telling Howard to take him off the road.

What is the result of Willy's conversation with Howard?

Willy got fired.

Where does Willy go after his conversation with Howard?

To Charley.

What does Willy ask Bernard?

Why Biff's life seemed to end after his big football game.

Why can't Willy work for Charley?

Willy claims he has a job when he's just really lying straight to Charley.

Biff realized his life has just been a big lie. What does he mean?

Biff finally realized he was raised on a false philosophy.

What does Happy want Biff to tell Willy?

He has a lunch date with Bill Oliver tomorrow.

What does Willy do while Biff is trying to explain the facts of his meeting with Bill Oliver?

Willy keeps interrupting him.

What is Biff's opinion of his father now, when he tells it to Miss Forsythe?

He calls his father a "fine, troubled prince".

Why can't Biff help Willy?

They don't communicate well with each other.

Happy denies that Willy is his father. Why?

Happy is embarrassed by him and does not want to have the responsibility caring for him.

What happened in Boston? What do we finally find out is the problem, the secret between Willy and Biff?

When Biff was 17, he went to Boston to talk to his father. When he got there, he walked in on his father and the woman he had an affair with.

Where does Willy go after he realizes that the boys have left him at the restaurant?

To the hardware store.

Why does Linda knock the flowers to the floor?

The boys left Willy at the restaurant.

Why does Willy decide to kill himself?

He will finally free himself from the burden of his life.

What does Biff want to Willy before he his ready to go?

He is a failure and that he has no harsh feelings towards him.

What is Willy's response to Biff's whole scene when Biff ends up crying?

He realizes that Biff actually likes him!

What does Willy do?

He speeds away in his car and has a fatal car accident.

Why is the car an appropriate device?

It is fitting because Willy has spent his entire life with it.

Linda says "We're free and clear." What is the double meaning here?

Biff is free of Willy's influence and the mortgage is paid on their home.