Meachham lecture test 3 the cell 2

What type of prokaryotes will have a glycocalyx?


What are the two forms of glycoclyx that prokaryotes will have?

A slime layer or a capsule

Where will the glycoclyx be located?

external to the cell

What eukaryotes will have glycoclyx?

Ones that lack a cell wall

what eukaryotes have cell walls?

Algae, fungi, plants

What eukaryotes do not have cell walls?

protozoa, animal

Do prokaryotes or eukaryotes have more complex cell walls?


What cells will have carbohydrates, and sterols?


What to carbohydrates, and sterols function as in eukaryotes often?


In the cytoplasm of prokaryotes will there be a cytoskeleton?


What will be inside of eukaryotes that give the cell structure?

the cytoskeleton

What are the major components of a eukaryotes cytoskeleton?

microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubles.

What structure will microfilaments be?

they will be smaller solid thin tubes.

what will intermediate filaments structure be like?

they will be thicker than micro-filaments somewhat flat shaped, but also sold.

what will microtubles structure be like?

they will be hollow straw like structures.

What will the cytoskeletion be used for?

It will be used for internal movement of substances within the cell, it will create support for the cell, and will allow for the change of shape in a cell that will allow for cytoplasmic streaming.

What structure generates microtubles, and are primarily made of microtubles? This structure will be important in mitosis, and meiosis.


centrioles will be made of an array of microtubles in what kind of formation?

9 groups of 3

what will a pair of centrioles be called?


During mitosis what is the web of microtubles that the centrioles make during reproduction called?

Spindle fibers

the centrioles will also be what makes up what structure that flagella attach to?

basal body

What kind of ribosomes would be found inside of a prokaryote?

70S ribossomes

Two cocci attached to each other?


A chain of cocci attached to each other


four cocci closly connected?


eight cocci connected in 3d shape?


a large group of cocci in a cluster


A single rod

single bacillus

two rods connected


a chain of rods


very short rods that are all most circular


a sprial that is cama shaped?


very wiggly and have corkscrew shape


spirall that are between vibrio and spriochete?


How much water is inside eukaryotic cellls?

65 to 67 percent

will bacteria or eukaryotes have more water in their cell?


what will be stored inside of prokaryote cells?

enzymes, nutrients, electrolytes, other dissolved materials

Where will many metabolic reactions in prokaryotes?

inside of the cell

what will prokaryotes produce to usually break down nutrients outside of the cell?


What is the name for something an enzyme acts on


each enzyme will be specific for what reaction it is doing? true of false?


If it is a synthetic enzyme the product will usually be?

one thing

if it is a catabolic enzyme there will usually be how many products?


What is the only way bacteria can be motile?


What is the job of rRNA

protein synthesis

Ribosomes will be made up of how many subunits?


What svedberg unit will the large subunit of a prokaryote ribosome be?


what sevdberg unit will the small subuinit of a prokaryote be?


for a protein to be active what must both subunits do?

they must be connected

what sevdberg unit will ribosomes be when they are functioning?


How does streptomycin stop bacteria from reproducing?

by attacking the 70s ribosomes

What does the DNA do in a prokaryote in order to replicate

it will attach to a part of the cell membrane and copy it's self. The replicated DNA will also be on the membrane and more membrane will be made and pinch off to form two identical cells.