Cells 7.12D

Animal Cell

Typically a rounding blob like shape with a cell membrane


Basic unit of structure and function in living things

Cell membrane

Thin structure that surrounds the cytoplasm of the cell and allows substances to move in and out of the cell

Cell wall

Stiff, outer barrier of a plant cell, outside the cell membrane, which is made mostly of cellulose; gives the cell its structure


Green pigment in plants that captures the energy of sunlight for use in photosynthesis


A structure in a plant cell that contains chlorophyll; sugar molecules are made in chloroplasts through the process of photosynthesis


A structure located in the nucleus of a cell, made of DNA, that contains the genetic information needed to carry out cell functions and make new cells


Gel like fluid that takes up most of the space inside a cell


Deoxyribonucleic acid; the material found in a cell's nucleus, that determines the genetic traits of the organism


Organism made up of cells that have a membrane bound nucleus and other organelles


Structures in the cell that transform energy into food into a form cells can use (ATP) to carry out their activities

Nucleus (Cell)

Structure near the center of a cell that contains the cell's DNA


In an organism, structure made up of two or more different tissues which has a specialized function; for example, the lungs

Organ system

Group of organs that work together to do a specific job for an organism, such as the digestive system


General name for all the structures in the cytoplasm of a cell that carry out cell activities


A living thing

Plant Cell

A squarish shaped cell characterized by a cell wall


One celled organism that does not have a membrane bound nucleus or organelles; includes all archaea and bacteria


In plants and animals, a group of cells that work together to do a specific job


In a Cell, fluid filled structure that holds waste products or substances needed by the cell