Plant Tissue, Plant Cell, Plant Cell Vocabulary

Ground tissue, dermal tissue, vascular tissue

The 3 types of plant tissues:

collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells

Ground tissue is composed of these 3 cell types.

Vascular tissue

The plant's water and nutrient transportation system.

Parenchyma cells

The most common cell type in plants, with intercellular airspaces. Ex: the cortex and pith of stems, the photosynthetic tissue layer within the epidermis of the leaves (mesophyll), the cortex of roots, the pulp of fruits, and the endosperm of seeds.


Support tissue of living elongated cells with irregular cell walls.


Tissue that provides "hardness", strength and support; the seed coat of a seed, ex: pecan hull; the supporting structure of certain leaves, ex: leaf petiole (stalk) that has hardened for support of the leaf.

Dermal tissue

The protective covering of plants; generally a single layer of tightly packed epidermal cells covering young plant organs formed by primary growth.

Epidermal cells

Cells that cover the surface of a plant.

Guard cell

Each of a pair of curved cells that surround a stoma, becoming larger or smaller according to the pressure within the cells.


Outgrowths from the epidermis, e.g. roots hairs, fine hairs, scales, or some thorns.


Structures, found in the epidermis, that secrete substances such as salts and oils.

Root hairs:

Structures that increase surface area for absorption of water and minerals.


A waxy layer that covers the plant.

Xylem and phloem

The two major structures in vascular tissue.


Translocates water and minerals absorbed by the roots throughout the plant.


Transports glucose from where it is manufactured throughout the plant.


The general name for the plant's growth tissue or cells.

Apical meristem

Located at the tips of the plant and its branches; provides growth in length (primary growth)

Lateral meristem

Provides growth in width (secondary growth)


made of protein and RNA. They convert genetic material into protein.


An organelle that contains most of the cell's genetic material. It regulates cell growth and metabolism.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

An organelle with the function of manufacturing hormones and lipids (fats)


A gel-like substance within the cell, that holds the other parts in place and all the parts within the cell wall excluding the nucleus.


Made of RNA and proteins, it transcribes and modifies RNA.


An organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Manufactures enzymes and proteins.


The basic unit of life.


These organelles store materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates

Nuclear Membrane

This organelle controls what goes in and out of the nucleus.

Cell Wall

A rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane and provides support to the cell.


Deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.