Cardio ECG Chp 2

The ST segment is measured from:

The end of the QRS complex to the beginning of the T wave.

Five large boxes, each consisting of five small boxes, represent ____ on ECG paper?

1 second

Which part of the conduction system receives an impulse from the SA node but delays relaying that impulse to the bundle of His, allowing time for the atria to empty their contents into the ventricles before the onset of ventricular contraction?

AV node

On the ECG, total supraventricular activity is reflected by the______

PR interval

In an adult, the normal duration of the QRS complex is

0.11 second or less

The main electrolytes that affect cardiac function are

sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride

The portion of the ECG tracing used to determine the degree of ST segment displacement is

TP segment

In the normal heart, the primary pacemaker is the?

SA node

Which of the following surfaces of the heart are not directly viewed when using a standard 12-lead ECG?

Right ventricle and posterior surface of the left ventricle

U waves represent

repolarization of the Purkinje fibers

_______ cells are specialized cells of the electrical conduction system responsible for the spontaneous generation and conduction of electrical impulses


Where is the positive electrode placed in lead III?

left leg or foot

When an ECG machine is properly calibrated, a 1-mV electrical signal will produce a deflection measuring exactly ________ tall.


Which of the following are horizontal plane leads?

V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 (all chest leads)

This type of action potential occurs in the SA and AV nodes

slow response

A chain reaction that occurs from cell to cell in the heart's electrical conduction system until all the cells have been stimulated

wave of depolarization

The movement of charged particles across a cell membrane in which the inside of the cell is restored to its negative charge


Examples of antiarrhythmics that block sodium channels

procainamide and lidocaine

The rapid sequence of voltage changes that occur across the cell membrane during the electrical cardiac cycle

action potential

this type of action potential occurs in normal atrial and ventricular myocardial cells and in the purkinje fibers

fast response

The movement of ions across a cell membrane causing the inside of the cell to become more positive


Examples of antiarrhythmics that slow the rate at which calcium passes through the cells

verapamil and diltiazem

Which is NOT a use for ECG monitoring?
a. to monitor a patient's heart rate
b. to evaluate pacemaker function
c. to monitor a patient's blood pressure
d. to evaluate for signs of myocardial injury


Which of the following is NOT a property of cardiac cells?
a. automaticity
b. excitability
c. conductivity
d. relaxability
e. contractility