AP Biology 2nd 9 Weeks Test Review

Four levels of protein structure

primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary

What organelles may have originated from prokaryotic cells and what is the evidence of this? What is the function of each organelle?

Eukaryotic and the evidence of this is endosymbiotic cyanobacteria

What is the function of the rough ER, smooth ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vacuoles?

1. Assembling proteins
2. Make hormones and lipids
3. Modifying, Sorting, and Packaging of proteins for secretion
4. Digestion and waste removal
5. Storage, waste disposal, protection, structure

What are the different types of cell membrane transport? Which uses energy? Why does it need/not need energy?

1. Passive Transport - High to low concentration gradient, does not require energy (diffusion, fac. diffusion, osmosis)
2. Active Transport - Low to high concentration gradient, does require energy (primary, secondary)

What characteristic does a ligand need to have to activate a receptor?


What are the steps of the signal transduction pathway?


Which types of ligands can pass through the cell membrane?


What is the ultimate end result of cell communication?


What does cyclin do for the cell?


What are the different steps of the cell cycle?


Photosynthesis vs Respiration, what is similar?


What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis and respiration? What are the different steps of both processes and which make ATP and which use ATP?


What happens to the pH of an aquatic plant when it is undergoing photosynthesis and when is it undergoing respiration?


If a species has 2 alleles for a particular gene, how many different alleles would be found in a somatic cell? In a gamete? What if it had 10 alleles?


What are the different types of mutations?


In a genetic cross, if you don't get the expected ratio of offspring, what might be going on?


Identify the elements, monomers, and functions of each group of macromolecules


Autosomal Dominant


Autosomal Recessive


X-linked dominant


X-linked recessive


How does DNA replicate?
