Block 4 Review

Transmembrane kinases

require multiple membrane passes, activated by proximity to other TKs and structural rearrangements
when activated, they recruit proteins and phosphorylates them to perform a specific function


small molecules that bind to the proteins or glycoproteins
adrenaline binds to Wnt and attaches to protease-activated receptors

Activated receptors

animals: GEFs (active Ga), recruits and activates effectors
plants: GAPs (inactive Ga)

Ligand-activated transcription factors

steroid receptors, retinoid receptors, prostaglandins

Plant cell wall composition

Paths molecules can take to move through the plant

apoplectic path through the cell wall space
symplastic path through the plasmodesmata

Direction of cell growth is determined by the

deposition of cellulose fibers in the cell wall, that are extruded from the cell membrane into the extracellular space guided by the microtubules


secreted as procollagen, provides tensile strength