
gene regulation: ____ control- inhibition of trancription by repressor


gene regulation: ___ control- enhancement of transcription by activator

bacterial gene regulation

few regulatory controls for multiple structural genes

eukaryote gene regulation

multiple regulatory controls for single structural genes


bacterial gene expression is based on ____


unit of gene regulation for multiple structural genes that are linked and functionally related


system usually off, controlled by turning on


system usually on, controlled by turning off

lactose (lac) operon

inducible, for catabolism of lactose

tryptophan (trp) operon

repressible, for anabolism of tryptophan


promoter for repressor (i) gene


structural (protein coding) gene for allosteric repressor protein


promoter for lac operon proper


operator, where repressor can bind for negative control

z, y and a

three structural genes for lactose metabolism

1. z

for B-galactosidase, enzyme for above biochemical reaction

2. y

for permease, enzyme that increases permeability of cell membrane to lactose

3. a

for transacetylase, enzyme whoe exact function remains unclear

1. repressor

allosteric protein w both an allosteric site and active site

active site

pocket within the repressor which allows it to bind to the operator

allosteric site

second pocket of repressor, where lactose can bind to inhibit the binding of the repressor to the operator

rna polymerase (pol)

recognizes and binds to promoters to initiate transcription of their structural genes


when lactose is absent, operon is ___ as theres no substrate to metabolize


promoter for repressor (R) gene


structural gene for allosteric repressor protein


promoter for trp operon proper


operator, where repressor can bind for negative control

e, d, c, b, and a

5 structural genes for tryptophan synthesis


when tryptophan is absent, trp operon is __ as enzymes are needed to synthesize tryptophan

1. more space and time
2. much larger genomes
3. more complicated cells

why is gene regulation more complex in eukaryotes than bacteria


operons are rare in

Trancriptional Control

analogous to that of bacterial operons


gene regulation by modifying the chemical state of the chromatin


chromosomal material

cis elements

specific dna sequences to which trans elements can bind to regulate the expression of the linked gene

1. promoters

special dna sequences to which rna polymerase can recognize, bind and initiate transcription of the gene

2. enhancers

specific dna sequences to which trans factors can bind to increase transcription of the gene

3. silencers

specific dna sequences to which trans factors can bind to inhibit transcription of the gene

1. promoters
2. enhancers
3. silencers

3 cis elements

1. rna polymerase
2. transcription factors

2 trans elements

trans elements

diffusible regulatory proteins that bind to specifix elements to control the linked gene

rna polymerase

enzyme that recognizes and binds to promoter to initiate transcription of the associated linked gene

transcription factors

dna binding regulatory proteins that bind to cis elements to increase or decrease transcription of the linked gene

dna looping model

how different enhancers and TFs are brought into close proximity of a promoter to initiate transcription of a gene

short and far

in dna looping model, promoters are a ___ distance from gene and enhancers are ___ from gene


gene regulation via changes to the chemical state of the chromatin

1. euchromatin - potentially active
2. heterochromatin - usually inactive

two chromatin states

1. constitutive heterochromatin - always heterochromatin
2. facultative heterchromatin - can become euchromatin and vice versa

two heterochromatin states

dna methylation

addition of methyl groups to dna

histone acetylation

addition of acetyl groups to histones, which are the major proteins of eukaryotic chromosomes

-methylated DNA
-deacetylated histones
-tightly coiled dna
-enzyme inaccessible
-usually inactive

5 facts about facultative heterochromatin

-demethylated dna
-acetylated histones
-loosely coiled dna
-enzyme accessibke
-potentially active

5 facts about euchromatin