Diffusion in Cells


Movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

Cell membrane

the cell's boundary from it's environment

Facilitated diffusion

Passive diffusion that is aided by transport proteins or channels in the cell membrane. It does not require cellular energy.

Cell membrane function

regulates what enters and leaves the cell

Cell membrane channels and pumps

made of proteins


Diffusion of water across a membrane

Passive Diffusion Process

No energy is needed for diffusion to take place.


A solution that has more solutes (higher concentration) than another solution


A solution that has fewer solutes (lower concentration) than another solution


A solution that has the same concentration of solutes as another solution

Active transport

The movement of materials through a cell membrane using energy. It requires ATP.


The process by which large molecules are taken into the cell


The process by which waste molecules are expelled or released from the cell

Simple Diffusion

Molecules move directly through the membrane without any assistance.

Facilitated diffusion

Carrier proteins help transport large molecules into a cell.

Concentration Gradient

The difference in concentration of solutes on two sides of a membrane

The rate of diffusion is __________________ when there is a larger surface area (larger cell membrane) for diffusion to take place.


The rate of diffusion is __________________ when there is a greater difference between the concentration of the two regions where diffusion is taking place.


The rate of diffusion is ___________________ when there are thicker barriers, as opposed to thinner barriers.
