lecture 12 muscles part 1

skeletal muscles

large multinucleate and striated

cardiac msucle

branched uninucleate also striated joined by intercalated disks

smooth muscle

small no striation

how are skeletal muscles organized

in antagonistic pairs around joints

muscle fascicle

bundle of fibers

muscle fiber

muscle cell

sarcoplasmic reticulum

endoplasmic reticulum


cell membrane

what are T tubules

special indentations in the sarcolemma (cell membrane)

what do T tubules do

carry action potentials inside

what does the sarcoplasmic reticulum contain

calcium to trigger contraction

what are thick filaments

they have myosin which contain a tail hinge and 2 globular heads

what are thin filaments

they contain actin, tropomyosin(blocks myosin), nebulin (anchoring unit) and troponin (place where Ca can bind)

Z disks mark what

the ends of a sarcomere

what does Titin do

anchors the thick filament to the Z disk acts like a rubber band

What are the signal trasmission events at the neuromuscular junction

1. the action potential of a neuron open Ca channels
2. Ca causes the release of acetylcholine
3. Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the muscle
4. This causes a cation cahnnel to open and Na enters the cell casuing a depolarization
5. this causes a grade

how is excitation-contraction coupling work

1. action potential in muscle travels down T tubules
2. This causes Ca channels to open in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and releases Ca
3. Ca binds to troponin
4 troponin moves the tropomyosin to move allowing myosin to bind to action
5 contraction

what would happens to a skin fiber with high Ca and high ATP


what would happens to a skin fiber with low Ca and High ATP

muslce can be stretched but no contraction

what would happens to a skin fiber with high calcium and no ATP

muscle is stiff, no contraction, and it cannot be stretched

what would happens to a skin fiber with low Ca and No ATP

muscle can be stretched but no contraction

what happens when myosin binds ATP

it releases from action

what happens when myosin hydrolyzes ATP

the energy from ATP cocks myosin head

what happens when myosin releases ADP and P

it contracts

How does muscle relaz again

Calcium ATPase pumps calcium from cytoplasm back into sarcoplasmic reticulum.
this causes tropomyosin to move back into position