HBS 2.2.2 Study Guide

what is action potential

electrical messages that are sent down the axon of a neuron

describe how the electricity in an action potential is generated

it is created by a sudden reversal in charge

what is the main component of the cell membrane

fats called phospholipids

define hydrophilic

water loving
hydrophilic heads make up the outside of the membrane

define hydrophobic

water repelling
hydrophobic tail makes up the inside

the Na+/K+ pump pumps 3 Na+ ions out of the cell for every 2 K+ ions it brings into the cell. Is this specialized protein working via active or passive transport

active transport because the pump uses ATP to change the shape of the protein so that the Na+ can get in

what causes the inside of the membrane to reverse charge and begin the action potential

when potassium channels close and sodium rushed in

which membrane protein is responsible for restoring the original concentration of Na+ and K+

the Na+/K+ pump

what happens when action potential reaches the end of the axon at the axon terminals? How does one neuron communicate with another neuron and complete the circuit?

the vesicles release neurotransmitters. This cross the synapse and are accepted by the receptors in the dendrites of the next neuron. The second neuron then makes second messages that travel through that neuron and the impulse continue

cell membrane

controls the movement of substances in and out of cells. The basic function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings.

cell body

produces energy and produces all the proteins for the dendrites, axons and synaptic terminals


receive messages from other neurons and transmit to the cell body


carries messages away from the cell body

axon terminals

the ending of the axon that connects to the neural target, contains the neural transmitters to be released.

myeline sheath

increase the speed at which impulses propagate along the myelinated fiber

nodes of ranvier

electricity can be conducted with the cell's environment, and the electrical signal will be propagated down the axon.


transfer electric activity (information) from one cell to another.


that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse