CHAPTER 8 health

define stress

the reaction of the body and the mind to every day challenges and demand

what are the 5 stressors? give examples for a teens life

Biological- getting ill, disabilities or injured
environmental- poverty, pollution, crowding, noise, or natural disasters
cognitive or thinking- perceive a situation and how things affect you and things around you
personal behaviors- negative reactions in

List and explain the 3 stages of your body's stress response

Alarm- 1 stage; the body and mind go on high alert
Resistance- 2 stage; your body adapts to the rush created by the alarm and reacts to the stressor; flight or fight
Fatigue- 3 stage; body is affected and can't manage things well; tired feeling; lowering

Name 4 common psychosomatic responses

headaches; asthma; high blood pressure; weakened immune system

Name 3 mental/emotional and social effects of stress

difficulty concentrating; mood swings; risks of abuse & drug use

List 4 strategies to help you control the effects of chronic stress in your life

engage in physical activity; look for support from friends and family; find a hobby; avoid using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs

List 2 examples of each of the following 3 categories of personal stressors

Life events: driver license and graduation
Physical stressors: physical energy and lack of rest
Daily hassles: deadlines and time pressures

Explain 2 ways you can avoid stress

plan ahead and get adequate sleep

List 3 benefits of planning ahead

helps recognize where variations to your plans may occur; better prepared; you reach your goal with planned steps

List 4 benefits of getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night

face challenges and demands of your day; be in a better mood; think more clearly; look and feel better

List 3 tips on eating nutritious food

eat regular meals; limit comfort foods; limit caffeine

List 2 reasons using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs don't relieve stress

it increases ones problem; harms one health; makes the body more prone to disease

What are stress-management skills?

redirect your energy; relax and laugh; keep a positive outlook; seek out support

List 2 of the 4 stress-management techniques that you personally would be likely to use.

relax and laugh and seek out support

Define "anxiety

condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen

List 4 symptoms of anxiety

fear or dread; perspiration, trembling, restlessness, or muscle tension; rapid heart rate, light headedness, or shortness of breath

Explain why striving for perfection can cause anxiety

a perfectionist anxiety comes from believing he/she does will not be good enough; this can lead to frustration or unhappiness

Define "depression

a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness

List and describe two types of depression

reactive- response to a stressful event
major- medical condition that requires treatment

List 4 common symptoms of teen depression.

irritable; restless mood; withdraws from friends; activities that were important or enjoyable aren't anymore

What is the first step in getting help when you are feeling sad, anxious, or depressed?

seek help; talk to parent or trusted adult

Define "resiliency".

ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis

List 3 examples of external factors.

include your family, school and community, and peers

Do you have more control over the external factors or internal factors?

internal factors

Attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors are internal factors. Name 4 more.

commitment to learning; positive value; social competency; positive identity

List 2 benefits of having a commitment to learning.

being actively engaged in education; increases your self-esteem; sense of belonging in school community

Define "protective factors".

conditions that shield individuals from negative consequences of exposer to rick