Health: Ch 5; lesson 3-5

ws vitamins pass through your body and are excreted through urine, dissolved by water; fs vitamins are stored in fat tissue and are dissolved by fat

What is the difference between water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins?

no; some vitamins and minerals can only be received through food, and you can ensure that you get the most basic and natural form of that nutrient

Describe whether vitamin and mineral supplements should be used as substitutes for food.

you have to have a variety of foods to ensure that you get all of the nutrients you need because no one food has all of them; you should eat in moderation because sugar/fat/carb loaded food can be harmful to you, but you still need a certain amount of eac

Explain the importance of variety, moderation, and balance in your eating pattern.

cut fat off of meat, eat lean meat and poultry; remove skin from chicken and turkey; cut down on fried foods

List four ways of reducing your intake of fat.

serving size; servings per container; calories per serving; etc.

What is required on a Nutrition Facts panel of a food label?

by weight in descending order

How are ingredients listed on food labels?

vitamins; minerals

Healthful eating includes consuming ample amounts of ___ and ___.


___ is the body's most essential nutrient.

dietary guidelines for americans

the ___ ___ ___ ___ help you make healthful food choices.

availability, affordability, personal taste

Varying the foods you eat based on ___ ___ and ___ adds to the enjoyment of eating.

sound eating plan

Balancing the types of foods and nutrients consumed over the course of several days is part of a ___ ___ ___.


the controlling of portion size as well as the fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugars, and sodium in your food choices

nutrition facts panel

can help you judge whether a prepared of packaged food product meets your nutritional needs

health literacy

part of ___ ___ is learning to understand and judge claims made on food packages


knowing what you are ___ is as important as knowing what you are eating.

water soluble

pass easily into the bloodstream and are excreted through urine; vitamin c and vitamin b complex

fat soluble

absorbed and transported by fat; vitamins a, d, e, and k; excess buildup can have toxic effects on the body (kidney stones)


Needed in small amounts

vitamins; minerals

2 types of micronutrients


Vitamins do not supply ___, but some speed up reactions that produce energy in body cells.


How many vitamins play a key role in good nutrition


Which vitamin is produced in the human body?

trace minerals

your body needs these in tiny, or trace amounts; iron, iodine, copper


carries oxygen throughout the body; essential for hemoglobin in the blood


gives structure to bones


sodium, chloride, potassium


carries nutrients, transports waste, lubricates joints, enables you to swallow and digest food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste


how many cups of water does your body use a day?

dietary guidelines

helps ensure variety, balance, and moderation

food guide pyrmaid

a graphic tool for expressing the dietary guidelines; categorizes foods into 5 food groups, indicating a range of servings


___ the amount of energy in food with the amount of energy your body uses

body fat

Be aware that controlling ___ ___ is more important to health than controlling body weight


Keep in mind that all ___ add up in the same way, no matter what their source.

complex carbs and fiber

high intake of ___ ___ and ___ has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, obesity, and some cancers. found in vegetables, fruits , and grain products


an essential mineral; helps transport nutrients in to cells and waste out; helps maintain normal blood pressure and nerve function

nutrition facts panel

indicates the nutrient and calorie content

gras (generally recognized as safe)

additives that can be used without permission


noncaloric sweetner


the food is low in fat and saturated fat and contains limited amounts of cholesterol and sodium


the calories have been reduced by at least a third, or fat or sodium by at least half


the food contains 25 percent less of a nutrient or of calories than a comparable food


the product contains no amount, or only a slight amount of fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugars, or calories


the food is raw, unprocessed, contains no preservatives and has never been frozen or heated


this term is reserved for meat and poultry only. according to the USDA, it means the food is minimally processes with no artificial or synthetic ingredients

expiration date

last date you should use the product

freshness date

last date a food is thought to be fresh

pack date

the date on which the product was packaged

sell date

also known ad the pull date, this term denotes the last date the produce should be sold


the only nutrient that your body cannot manufacture


magnesium is a ___

beta carotene

substance from which the body can manufacture vitamin A


if you don't get enough calcium, you may be more susceptible to ___