Health: Ch 5; lesson 1-2

it can influence you through your culture, family, friends, advertising, time, and money

How does your environment affect your food choices?

people will eat when they are bored or stressed, or they will refuse to eat.

Give 2 examples of how eating is tied to emotions

complex are found in foods like grains and nuts, while simple can found in fruits, but also candy and cookies

Why are complex carbohydrates more beneficial than simple carbohydrates?

they are bulky and offer a feeling of fullness; tend to be lower in fat and calories; may take longer to chew, slowing your pace

What are some benefits of foods high in fiber?

if you can't afford the more healthy food, then you are forced to buy the unhealthy things, as they are usually cheaper

How might a limited budget influence your food choices?

it can cause you to eat more or less than normal, depending on how those things effect you

How do boredom, stress , and happiness affect your eating habits?


The body has a physical need for food, which is signaled by ___.


Many people's eating habits are governed by ___, rather than by hunger.

culture, family, friends, ads, lifestyle, mood

6 factors that influence your food choices include ___


learning the basics of ___ can help you become a more healthful eater both now and later in life

disease prevention

proper nutrition is a tool in ___ ___


the ___ found in food are essential to life


___ are the body's chief fuel


A healthful eating plan includes appropriate amounts of ___ to build and repair body tissue

fat; cholesterol

Limiting ___ and dietary ___ is a guideline for health

simple carbs

present naturally in fruits, some veggies, and milk


Proteins, carbs, & fats provide ___ calories per gram

essential amino acids

9 of the 20 amino acids that your body can't make

complete proteins

foods that contain all the essential amino acids that the body needs and in the proper amounts

incomplete proteins

foods that lack some of the essential amino acids

saturated fats

fatty acid holds all the hydrogen atoms it can

unsaturated fat

missing one or more pairs of hydrogen atoms


the adding of missing hydrogen atoms

protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, water

6 nutrients

may be misleading

food advertisements


eating because of stress or boredom is an example of eating habits being influenced by

more energy

during periods of adolescence , the body uses


provide the most energy pound for pound


simple carbs are ___


complex carbs are ___


natural fruit sugar