Health Chapter 10

State why alcohol is considered a drug.

Alcohol causes changes in a person's physical and emotional state.

List five short-term effects of alcohol use on the body.

Dehydration, makes the body lose heat, causes the liver to work harder, irritation of the mouth and throat.

List five long-term effects of alcohol on the body.

Brain damage, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

What is the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism?

Alcohol abuse includes inappropriate drinking but not addiction. Alcoholism is characterized by addiction to alcohol.

Describe each of the following stages that lead to alcoholism:
1) Dependence
2) Addiction
3) Problem Drinking
4) Tolerance

1) Dependence: Drinker feels he/she needs alcohol to function
2) Addiction: Drinker is physically/emotionally addicted to alcohol
3) Problem Drinking: Drinker can't drink in moderation or at appropriate times
4) Tolerance: Drinker needs more alcohol to produce same effect

List five warning signs of alcoholism.

Drastic changes in friends, personal habits, interests, and drinking to deal with emotions.

What condition is caused by alcohol during pregnancy?

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

What role does alcohol play in motor vehicle accidents involving teens?

When teens drink and then drive or get into a car with a drunk driver, they are putting themselves at risk for a motor vehicle accident.

Identify the laws that protect society from drunk driving.

DUI, SWI, and MIP.

How can alcohol use affect a teen's future?

Using alcohol can lead to a teen's arrest, legal problems, pregnancy, physical injuries, and even death.