Infection prep U quiz Unit 2 test (2nd semester)

Which type of shock is caused by an infection?

Septic shock

Health care professionals are required to follow certain principles to ensure that nosocomial infections do not occur in the health care facility. Which of the following contributes to infections during health care?

Health care professional donning artificial nails

The client asks the nurse what his urine output has to do with his cardiac function. The best reply by the nurse is which of the following?

The urine output is an important indicator of cardiac function; poor urine output may indicate inadequate blood flow to the kidneys."
Explanation:Urine output is an important indicator of cardiac function. Reduced urine output may indicate inadequate ren

A client presents to the clinic with complaints that he began to itch and break out in hives after taking an aspirin this morning. What medication does the nurse anticipate administering that blocks histamine receptors?

Diphenhydramine(Benadryl) Pg. 1047

The nurse has entered a client's room to find the client diaphoretic (sweat-covered) and shivering, inferring that the client has a fever. How should the nurse best follow up this cue and inference?A) Measure the client's oral temperature.B) Ask a colleag


Laboratory results for a patient on prolonged bedrest include a high level of urinary calcium. What risk does this pose for the patient?

Renal calculi (kidney stones)

A nurse has instructed a clinic patient about collecting a specimen for a routine urinalysis. The patient makes the following statements. Which one indicates a need for more teaching?A) I need to tell you that I am having my menstrual period.B) I will voi


A school nurse is teaching a class of middle-school girls how to promote urinary system health. Which of the following statements by one of the girls indicates a need for more information?

I will wipe back to front after going to the toilet.

An 87-year-old client was admitted to your hospital unit with an elevated leukocyte count and a fever accompanied by warm, flushed skin. Which do her symptoms suggest?

She has an overwhelming bacterial infection.

A patient with frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) has returned to the ambulatory clinic with symptoms of another UTI. The nurse reviews measures to follow to promote health and decrease the risk of contracting a UTI. Which measure is appropriate for

Drink two glasses of water before and after sexual intercourse.

A dehydrated infant is receiving I.V. therapy. The mother tells the nurse she wants to hold her infant but is afraid this might cause the I.V. line to become dislodged. How should the nurse respond?

Show the mother how to hold the infant properly

A client states he has a latex allergy. What action should the nurse take?

place an allergy identification band