Cfu on defense mechanisms


involves trying to make up for, or trying to cover up some real or imagined inadequacy. People with "Inferiority Complex" try to compensate to build themselves up, either physically or mentally.
Ex: Gossip is a form of compensation. It allows us to reduce

Daydreaming (fantasy)

Involves escaping reality by withdrawing psychologically. Daydreaming is one of the easiest ways to escape the pressures of everyday life. Most daydreams have to do with achievement, success, money, sex, pleasurable activities, and security


refusing to believe or even perceive painful realities


involves transferring feelings from their true source to another source. Sometimes this source is safer and is more socially acceptable.


involves increasing one's feelings of worth by identifying oneself with a person, group, or institution that one fears or looks up to.


Rather than deal with the painful emotions related to a situation, a person distances themselves from it by focusing on learning as much as they can about it. This preoccupation with educating oneself temporarily relieves the stress of the actual situatio


is unconsciously transferring your own unacceptable traits onto others.


Involves making up acceptable excuses for behaviors that cause us to feel anxious.

Conversion reaction

Psychological anxiety is converted into a physical problem. Health or concern for health becomes a way of avoiding conflict, frustration, or anxiety. Health provides a suitable excuse for anything.

Reaction formation

Doing the opposite of what you actually feel.


Involves returning to an earlier and safer stage of psychological development


Involves unconsciously pushing dangerous ideas, memories, or perceptions into the unconscious. Forgetting memories.


Involves redirecting a threatening or forbidden desire, usually sexual or aggressive, into a socially acceptable one.


Involves CONSCIOUSLY trying to forget painful or dangerous memories.


Involves doing something positive to offset something negative that already occurred.