Health Chapter 21 Review

1. The type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages
2. Powerful/addictive drug
3. Serious consequences
4. During teen years-affect brain development
5. Can be produced synthetically, or naturally by fermenting fruits, veggies, and grains.

What is Ethanol?

1. Chemical action of yeast on sugars
2. Water, flavoring, and minerals are mixed with ethanol to produce alcoholic drinks.

What is fermentation?


Drug that slows the central nervous system down


Alcohol is a _______________.


What slows reaction time Impairs vision Diminishes judgment


The state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, and the person's physical and mental control is significantly reduced.


Alcohol stays in a person's system until the _______ can metabolize it (break it down).

varies from person to person

How much alcohol does it take to cause intoxication?

Body size, Gender, Food, Rate of intake, Amount, Medicine

What factors influence alcohol's effect?

smaller person feels the effect sooner than a larger person

How does Body size influence alcohol's effect?

generally moves faster into the bloodstream of girls.

How does Gender influence alcohol's effect?

food in stomach slows down the passage of alcohol into the bloodstream

How does Food influence alcohol's effect?

if a person drinks faster than the liver can break it down, the person becomes intoxicated.

How does Rate of intake influence alcohol's effect?

amount of alcohol increases..the level of alcohol in bloodstream rises

How does Amount influence alcohol's effect?

alcohol can interfere with effects of medication

How does Medicine influence alcohol's effect?


About ____% of students have consumed alcohol by the 8th grade


About ____% of students have consumed alcohol by the time they graduate high school


More than ____% of 12th graders say they have been drunk at least once


About ____% of young ages (12-20) are heavy drinkers

slurred speech Poor balance Poor judgment

What effects have you seen in people who have been drinking alcohol?


Alcohol can damage effects of _____________.

illness or death

Alcohol and drug interactions can lead to _____________________.


Alcohol could decrease effectiveness of ____________ you are taking.

1. Changes in brain: development, memory, judgment, control, risk of stroke
2. Cardiovascular changes: heart .....Decreases HR and BP
3. Liver and Kidney Problems: toxic chemicals released as it is metabolized..kidneys will increase urine output..could ca

What are the Short Term effects of alcohol?

1. Damage to brain cells, reduction in brain size
2. Could lead to heart attack or stroke
3. Buildup of fat cells in liver...could lead to death
4. Damage to digestive lining of stomach... causing ulcers and cancer of stomach
5. Destruction of pancreas

What are the Long Term Effects of Alcohol?

Binge drinking

Drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting

Binge drinking

Sometimes done on a bet or dare Serious consequences

1. Severe, and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose.
2. Involuntary actions...such as breathing/ gagging reflex that prevent choking can be impaired

What is alcohol poisoning?


Alcohol is a stomach __________.

passes out

A Person who drinks too much ______________.

rise; alcohol poisoning

Even though they are unconscious Blood alcohol level continues to _______ which increases risk of _____________________.

sleep it off

It is dangerous to let people that drink to much "_______________".

Mental confusion, Coma, Vomiting, seizures, Slow respiration-10 sec between breaths or fewer than 8 breaths per minute, Irregular heart beat, Hypothermia or low body temp. (pale or bluish color)

What are the effects of alcohol poisoning?

Psychological dependence

Condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally.

Physiological Dependence

Condition in which the user has a chemical need for a drug

1. Family: teens parents discourage alcohol... more likely to do the same.
2.Media messages: glamorous fun

Factors that influence Alcohol use Peer pressure

1. Companies spend billions $$ to produce product
2. Use youthful, healthy, happy young people
3. Advertise in a way that is visible to young people, teens, children
4. Billboards
5. TV
6. Radio
7. Magazines/newspapers
8. Companies sponsor :sporting event

Advertisement Techniques


In US, nearly ______ people die each day as a result of alcohol-related traffic collisions.

drowning, fire, suicide, and homicide

Alcohol is linked to deaths from _______, _______, _______, and ________.


Illegal to buy, possess, or consume alcohol under the age of ______

1. Consequences can be serious
2. Arrested and sentenced to youth detention center
3. Can easily effect a teen's future, Job...reputation
4. Lose trust in friends and family members

Illegally buying, possessing, or consuming alcohol under the age of 21 can cause what problems?


________ situations where alcohol is present.


Fights more likely to happen when ____________ is present.

Violent crimes...rape, aggravated assault, robbery

_________________ more likely happen when alcohol is present.

in one-third to two thirds

Alcohol is a factor ________________of sexual assaults or date rape cases.

1. Impairs judgment
2. Lowers inhibitions
3. Can cause a person to compromise values
4. Teens who use alcohol are more likely to become sexually active at earlier age, and engage in unprotected sex

What do Alcohol and Sexual Activity do to a person?


About _____% of sexually active teens use alcohol or drugs before engaging in the activity


Teens who drink often are twice as likely to contract an ________as teens who do not drink.

25 %

______% of all youth are exposed to alcohol abuse within their families.

Neglect...abuse Economic hardship Personal use of alcohol themselves Mental illnesses or physical problems

Teens whose family member abuses alcohol are More at risk for....


Starting to drink as a teen, you are ________ times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than someone who waits until adulthood to use alcohol.


Disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol


Most schools have ________ tolerance for alcohol

1. Ineligible for sports
2. Suspended from school activities
3. Expelled from school
4. Could be placed in alternate education programs

What are consequences dealing with Alcohol and school?


Can teens become alcoholics?


Studies show that almost half of adult alcoholics became addicted to alcohol before the age of


True or False
Alcohol addiction is Often not recognized by teens/parents


Drinking alcohol is Seen as a _______ some teens go through

1. Drinking alone Drink when upset To cope with emotional problems
2. Avoiding alcohol
3. Living alcohol free is a choice some adults make
4. Some choose to drink occasionally/responsibly

Signs of a teen alcoholic

Maintaining a healthy body, Establishing healthy relationships, Making healthy decisions, Avoiding risky behaviors, drinking & driving, Avoiding illegal activities, Avoiding violence Achieving your goals in life

Benefits of living alcohol free

Refusal skills

It can be difficult at times to avoid alcohol ______________ are key


_______ of all teen drivers involved in fatal car accidents have a blood alcohol level of 0.01%

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

The amount of alcohol in a person's blood, expressed as percentages

BAC Depends on what factors?

quantity, type of alcohol, rate of consumption, body size, and gender

1. Slow reflexes
2. Reduced ability to judge distances and speeds
3. Increase in risk-taking behaviors
4. Reduced concentration and increased forgetfulness

Alcohol in the blood can cause what?


DWI or DUI is ____________.


Adults with BAC of ________% can be charged with drunk driving


Under 21 there is no acceptable BAC level since it's _________.

1. Injuries to or death of driver and others
2. Arrest, jail time, court appearances, fines, police records, and possible lawsuits
3. Severely restricted licenses or immediate confiscation of license
4. Higher auto insurance rates/or cancelled insurance

Consequences for DWI or DUI


True or False
Riding in vehicle with drunk driver is Just as dangerous as driving drunk.

Find a ride or Call home or close friend

If your ride is drunk and insists on driving what should you do?


When pregnant girls drink, alcohol passes directly to ___________ of fetus

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

Infants that are born to mothers who drink alcohol are at risk for __________________.

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

group of alcohol related birth defects that include physical and mental problems

1. Small head..deformities of face, hands, feet
2. Heart, liver, and kidney defects
3. Vision and hearing problems
4. Central nervous system problems, developmental disabilities, poor coordination
5. Difficulty learning and short term attention span
6. Hy

Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

1. Craving- feel a strong need for the alcohol
2. Loss of control- can't limit the amount
3. Physical dependence- withdrawal symptoms... nausea sweating, anxiety
4. Tolerance- need to drink more to feel drunk

Symptoms of Alcoholism


an addict who is dependent on alcohol

aggressive or violent, isolate themselves...

Behaviors of an alcoholic


Evidence suggests the ____________ can be partially genetics

Family, Friends, Culture, Peer pressure, Availability of alcohol stress

Environmental factors that contribute to alcoholism

Abuse: begins with social drinking... memory loss, blackouts, lie to excuse behavior

Stage 1 of Alcoholism

Dependence: cant stop drinking/ physically dependent on alcohol..performance at home job etc suffers

Stage 2 of Alcoholism

Addiction: liver problems already damaged withdrawal symptoms if they just stopped drinking cold turkey.

Stage 3 of Alcoholism

15 million

US has _____ million alcoholics and problem drinkers.


True or False
Alcohol abuse affects more than just the drinker

Car accidents, Falls, Drowning, House fires

4 leading causes of accidental deaths


_______% of violent crimes are alcohol related


People close to alcoholics can develop this. They ignore their own emotional or physical needs and focus their emotions on the alcoholic.


first process of learning to live an alcohol-free life.


living without alcohol

1. Admitting they have a problem
2. Detoxification (adjusting to functioning without alcohol)
3. Receive counseling
4. Recovery

Steps to recovery for alcoholics

1. Al-Anon/Alateen: helps families and friends
2. Alcoholics anonymous- help for alcoholics
3. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD): education to prevent drunk driving
4. National association for Children of Alcoholics
5. National Drug and Alcohol Treatme

Resources/ Programs for Alcoholics