Health Chapter 12

Which is a danger of illegal drug use?

Overdose, car crash, and poor judgement.

Evaluate the reasons people often give for trying illegal drugs.


List two reasons teens may be under pressure to use illegal drugs.

Teens may be indirectly pressured by being around people who are doing drugs. Also, teens may be directly pressured to use drugs.

State the reason teens are at a higher risk of addiction from drug use than adults are.

Teens may be indirectly pressured by being around people who are doing drugs. Also, teens may be directly pressured to use dr

Do you think using an illegal drug only once is safe?

No, using an illegal drug only once can lead to organ damage, addiction, and even death.

List two goals you have after you graduate from high school. How would illegal drug use affect those goals?

Get into a good college and get a successful job.
Drug use could keep me from reaching these goals.

What are three effects that are common to all types of illegal drugs?

Illegal drugs affect the function of the brain; they are dangerous to your health; and they can result in drug abuse and addiction.

What is NOT an effect of marijuana use?

Increased alertness.

List three long-term effects of inhalants on the body.

Inhalants can cause brain damage, death, and damage to any organs.

Compare the dangerous effects of Ecstasy and Ketamine.

Ecstasy and ketamine are club drugs that can both cause memory loss. Ecstasy can cause heart attack and death. Ketamine can cause dangerously slow breathing and loss of muscle control.

What dangerous effects do stimulants have?

Kidney/liver damage, panic, death, etc.

List three effects of depressants.

Euphoria, drowsiness, reduced anxiety.

Why do you think heroin addiction is so difficult to overcome?

Withdrawal symptoms are extremely unpleasant.

Describe how hallucinogens affect the mind.

Hallucinogens distort perception and cause the user to experience things that are not real.

How can drug abuse make a person's life more difficult?

It can keep a person from reaching his or her goals, it can cause serious health problems, and it can damage relationships with friends and family.

In what ways does family life suffer when a family member abuses illegal drugs?

Drug abuse in families leads to distrust, stealing from family members, violence, and can cause neonatal abstinence syndrome in new born babies.

Name three types of treatment for drug addiction.

Counseling, 12-step programs, and residential communities.