Health Ch.2 L.2

communication skils

skills that help a person share feelings, thoughts, and information with others

nonverbal communication

the use fo actions or body language to express emotion and thoughts


expresses your feelings or thoughts on a subject


a statement that blames of shames another person

mixed message

a message that gives you two different meanings

active listening

the way you respond in a conversation to show that you hear and understand what the speaker is saying

peer pressure

the influence that people of similar ages or status place on others to behave in a certain way

positive peer pressure

influence from peers to behave in responsible ways

negative peer pressure

influence from peers to behave in a way that is not responsible

resistance skills

skills that help a person say "NO" to an action or to leave a situation that they feel or know is dangerous or illegal


belief in oneself

assertive behavior

the honest expression of ideas, feelings, and decisions without worrying what others think or without feeling threatened by the reaction of others

passive behavior

the holding back of ideas, feelings, and decisions

aggressive behavior

the use of words or actions that are disrespectful toward others


a disagreement between two or more choices

inrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup

what are the 4 examples/types of conflict?

conflict responsive style

a pattern of behavior a person uses in a conflict situation

conflict avoidance, conflict confrontation, conflict resolution

what are the 3 examples/types of conflict responsive styles?

avoid the conflict

conflict avoidance

confront the conflict

conflict confrontation

conflict resolution

steps that can be taken to settle a disagreement in a responsible way


a process in which an outside person, or mediatior, helps people in conflict reach a solution


to distinguish between things or people by noticing or emphasizing differences


an adverse judgement formed without looking at the facts


a prejudice attitude that assigns a specific quality or characteristic to all people who belong to a particular group


a positive outcome that occurs when people cooperate


the ability to share in another person's emotions of feelings

resistance skills

set of abilities or behaviors that help people avoid actions or situations they feel or know are dangerous or illegal

active listening

clarifying, restating, or summarizing what someone has just said

communication skills

set of abilities or behaviors that help people interact effectively with others


a statement that does not share your emotions in a healthful way and may put the listener in a defensive position

conflict resolution skills

steps that help you remain calm and rational while dealing with a disagreement with others

peer pressure

what is happening when a friend tries to convince you to buy a video game by telling you that ll of your classmates have it


the process that occurs when you ask a guidance counselor to help you and a friend to resolve a disagreement


a statement that expresses your feelings or thoughts on a subject


characterized by suspicion and intolerance of a person on a subject

assertive behavior

when you clearly state your feelings and do not back down

verbal, nonverbal, body language

what are the different types of communication people can use to express themselves?

head nod, roll your eyes, ingnoring

what are some other examples of nonverbal communication?

so you know they are listening

why is it important to consider a person's nonverbal communication when you interacting with them?

you-message:blames the other person, i-message: blames yourself and is more effective

what is the difference between i and you message?


you and a friend disagree about what kind of movie to see. what kind of conflict is this?