Health Ch 8 and 9 Test Review

If 2 meals contain the same # of calories, then this will be true about those 2 meals.

Same amount of energy.

Provides a visual indication of how much of each food group you need.

MyPlate Plan

Statements that link foods to certain health risks or benefits.

health claims

Your body's energy source


Weight loss achieved with a fad diet is usually____________________


Term used to describe a person who is lighter than the standard for the person's height.


A person who does not eat meat.


Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends this many minutes of activity most days for teenagers.


Body mass index (BMI) is a ratio of __________________ to weight.


The USDA designed this set of diagrams to help people plan their meals and snacks.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Food affects how you look, feel, resist disease, and how well you perform mentally and physically by providing body with __________________________________


You must eat foods with these types of vitamins everyday because the body can not store them.


Nutrient-dense means a certain food contains lots of vitamins and minerals relative to the # of _________________________.


To maintain a healthy weight, the # of calories consumed must ____________ the # of calories burned.


This disease can occur if a person does not get enough iron.


What is this formula used to calculate: Weight (in pounds) x 703 divided by height (in inches) squared.

body mass index

Daily values are calculated for the average person who consumes a total of ____________________________________________per day

2,000 calories.

This type of nutrient contains nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.


Body mass index is a ratio of _______________________________________.

height to weight

Safest, most sensible way to lose weight.


Vitamins are NOT used for this role in the body.

source of energy

Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil.


A healthy diet should include a large amount of these.

whole grains

According to the MyPlate Plan, a teenager's diet should include a very small portion of_________________________


Very heavy perspiring or severe diarrhea can lead to this.


Breaking down food to release energy.


Inability to digest a particular food or food additive.

food intolerance

More calories are needed for this type of person

high basal metabolic rate

On a food label, ingredients are listed in this order:

weight, from most to least.

Main function of vitamins

help body use other nutrients

Example of nutrient-dense food.

low-fat yogurt

Role of carbohydrates

supplies energy for bodily functions

Best way to judge nutritional value of food.

read the food label

Anemia, hearth irregularities, and trouble regulating body temperature.

health problems associated with being underweight

basal metabolic rate

shows how much energy you use when body is at rest

Nutrients made by living things and required in small amounts to assist in bodily chemical reactions


NOT a sensible weight loss strategy.

eating while watching tv or reading

Adults with a BMI of 30 or higher.


NOT a good way to prevent dehydration

drink lots of caffeinated liquids.

The weight that is right for you matches this statement.

Does not present any health risks.

NOT a health risk due to being overweight

lack of glucose in the blood

This type of fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable oils.


Calories are the units used to measure ________________________

amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans does NOT include information on______________________________________________

how to grow your own food.

# of different nutrients your body requires


A diet that will likely work includes this

regular exercise

Body mass index can be calculated to assess this factor of your weight

To see if it falls within a healthy range.

What does % daily value of 15% iron mean?

one serving meets that % the average person needs each day.

process of maintaining a steady state inside your body


Feeling of physical discomfort that's caused by your body's need for nutrients.
