HESM 375 Final

3 criteria for developing objectives

1. can the objective be REALIZED during the length of the program or in a reasonable time?
2. Does the program have enough resources?
3. Are the objectives consistent with the procedures and policies of the sponsoring company

4 elements of Objectives

1. Outcome to be achieved, what will change?
2. Condition under which the outcome will be observed, when will change occur
3. Criterion for deciding whether objectives has been achieved, or how much will change?
4. Priority population, who will change?

Goal vs Objective

Goal - a broad statements that describe the expected outcome of the program, less specific than objectives, used to explain the general intent of a program. includes who will be affected and what will change
Objective - measurable actions by which the goa

Learning Objective

After completing the free educational nutrition class, 50% of participants will demonstrate the ability to develop a vegetarian meal plan

Behavior Objective

After completing the follow up survey, 50% of participants will report an increase in physical activity

Outcome Objective

By 2020, NCSU will require all students to attend at least one Healthy Habits information session

Health Belief Model

1. Perceived Susceptibility - feels vulnerable to a serious health problem
2. Perceived Severity - is health problem develops, then serious problem can occur
3. Perceived Benefits - recommend health change would be beneficial in reducing health threat

Trans-theoretical Model

1. precontemplation - no intention for action
2. contemplation - intention for action within 6 months
3. Preparation - action within 30 days, small research and taking small steps
4. Action - make change in behavior, less than 6 months
5. maintenance - ch

Consciousness raising

finding and learning new facts, ideas, and tips that support healthy behavior change

Self Efficacy

feel themselves to be competent to overcome barriers


confidence that one can engage in health behaviors across different challenging situations


temptation to engage in unhealthy behaviors across different challenging situations

Diffusion theory

provide explanation for the diffusion of innovations in populations; explain patters of adoptions of the innovations

Formative Evaluation

to improve the quality of a program
measure what went well/wrong
evaluate logistics

summative evaluation

assess effectiveness of intervention
assess change in knowledge, attitudes, behavior, health status as programs result

summative evaluation - impact evaluation

immediate changes

summative evaluation - outcome evaluation

long term changes