Health Unit 4: Vocabulary (Nutrition and Physical Activity)


is the process by which your body takes in and uses food.


are substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and
to supply you with energy.


is a unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food.


is the natural physical drive to eat, prompted by the body's need for food.


is the psychological desire for food.


are starches and sugars found in foods which provide your body's main source of energy.


are nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues.


is a waxy, fat like substance in your blood.


a condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

are a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans.


an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living.

Nutrient-dense foods

have a high ratio of nutrients to calories.

Food additives

substances added to a food to produce a desired effect.


are produced without the use of certain agricultural chemicals, such as synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.


is treating a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens.

Food allergy

is a condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substance in some foods.

Food intolerance

a negative reaction to food that doesn't involve the immune system.


are units used to measure the energy found in food.


the process by which the body breaks down substances and gets
energy from food.

Body mass index (BMI)

a measure of body weight relative to height.


heavier than the standard weight range for your height.


having an excess of body fat.


below the standard weight range for your height.

Body image

the way you see your body.

Fad Diets

weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time.

Weight cycling

a repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight.

Anorexia Nervosa

is an eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain lead people to starve themselves.

Bulimia Nervosa

is a eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food.

Binge Eating Disorder

is an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively.


is a person who eats mostly or only plant-based foods.

Dietary supplements

products that supple one or more nutrients as supplements to , not a substitute for, healthful foods.

Performance enhancers

substances that boost athletic ability.

Herbal supplements

dietary supplements containing plant extracts.


taking a very large amounts of any supplement.

Physical activity

is any form of movement that causes your body to use energy.

Physical fitness

the ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands.


purposeful physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive, and that improves or maintains physical fitness.


involving little physical activity.

Cardiorespiratory endurance

is the ability of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to your tissues during long periods of moderate to vigorous activity.

Muscular Strength

is the amount of force your muscles can exert.

Muscular endurance

is the ability of you muscles to perform physical tasks over a period of time without tiring.


is the ability to move your body parts through their full range of motion.

Body Composition

the ratio of fat to lean tissue in your body.

Aerobic exercise

includes all rhythmic activities that use large muscle groups for an extended period of time.

Anaerobic exercise

intense, short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen.

Isometric exercises

use muscle tension to improve strength with little or no movement of the body part. (pushing against a wall)

Isotonic exercises

combine movement of the joints with contraction of the muscles. (free weight or pull-up, and sit-ups)

Isokinetic exercises

exert resistance against a muscle as it moves through a rage of motion at a steady rate of speed.(weight machines)


means exercising at a level that's beyond your regular daily activities.


means gradually increasing the demands on your body.


means working out on a regular basis.


is gentle cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for work.


is the part of an exercise session when you are exercising at your highest peak.


is low-level activity that prepares your body to return to a resting state.

resting heart rate

the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are not active.


is damage to the skin and tissues caused by extreme cold.


or overworking the body.

heat exhaustion

a form of physical stress on the body caused by overheating.


is the outer, thinner layer of the skin that is composed of living and dead cells.


is the thicker layer of the skin beneath the epidermis that is made up of connective tissue and contains blood vessels and nerves.


a pigment that gives the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes their color.

Sebaceous glands

structures within the skin that produce an oily secretion called sebum.


helps keep skin and hair from drying out.


is the area immediately around the tooth.


a layer of connective tissue that contributes to the shape and hardness of a tooth.


is the tissue that contains the blood vessels and nerves of a tooth.


is a combination of bacteria and other particles, such as small bits of food, which adheres to the outside of a tooth.

Halitosis, or bad breath

can be caused by eating certain foods, poor oral hygiene, smoking, bacteria on the tongue,decayed teeth, and gum disease.

Gum disease, or periodontal disease

an inflammation of the periodontal structures, is caused by bacterial infection.


a misalignment of the upper and lower teeth.

Impacted wisdom teeth

sometimes crowd and push on other teeth or become infected.


the white part of the eye.


is a transparent tissue that bends and focuses light before it enters the lens.


a thin structure that lines the inside of the sclera.


is the colored portion of the eye that contains the pupil.


is the inner layer of the eye wall.


the inability to see distant objects clearly.


the inability to see close objects clearly.


blurred vision.

Detached retina

blurred vision or bright flashes of light.


cloudy, impaired vision, sometimes permanent eye damage.


foggy vision.

Macular degeneration

vision loss.


choosing the right types of activities to improve a given element of fitness.